Monday, October 1, 2007
Places In Austin Tx To Rent For Baby Shower
I can not put another title to the entrance.
This is the end, beyond the end, because I'm not even in Germany.
No more talk of the Germans or life in Berlin.
One thing was not knowing German and speak of them only for reference, but being a 2000km and still counting things seemed too hypocritical.
I am forced to close the blog. Not a pause or point and often or stop. It is a final point, the title itself becomes meaningless if I'm not there.
Who knows if my fingers will be asked to rewrite, for any other city or myself. The case is to do under the same direction ... yes I see complicated.
Time will tell. Sure
sure that the same thought Cervantes Don Quixote, made the first part, finished and was satisfied. Continued with other projects, failing as a playwright ... Until he came Avellaneda and felt compelled to write the second part, dealing with the original Quixote posh trying to imitate him, kill him back to sanity and to prevent further copies.
do not think anyone is devoted to copy me, so I hope I never have to rewrite to kill anyone.
A year ago I started the adventure to change the country and many other things. I was quite proud of how quickly I adapted to change.
Now the goal is, basically, the same, adapt to change as soon as possible to prove that I can live anywhere, even in my own city.
is also true that if I think about it, I did not come over.
When I started to pack I realized I wanted to take all the memories and good times he had accumulated more than a thought for every person I've met throughout this year and a piece of every friend I had there.
I had room for everything, so I had to leave my heart there.
In fact, some time ago and turned him over and I was not entitled to claim.
I do not care, I know that if people it is there it is half as good to me treated me very well be careful.
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Where Can I Buy Zud Cleanser
To me this phrase sounds like a movie. I forget which and I have not been able to find information online (too many normal words.) It says the guy with the girl and explained that from the beginning and it was crazy.
I have to admit that this holy city is not love at first hit.
I think it took me a week or two to realize the potential.
Because, why deny it, the city is a tad dirty, graffiti, books, walls falling to pieces, punks ...
also seems a little messy, a glass building next to another red brick. The two beautiful, spectacular, but not stuck together. Beauty and the Beast have their charms separately, as individuals, but when Disney made a pastelon gathered them pretty hard to swallow.
It took a while for someone to take out the worshiper in me was in power. I do realize that this mess is precisely the charm of the city, hence all its grandeur. As Popeye's spinach, if you did not see would not believe that a vegetable base could be developed those muscles.
And my work all along has been to show others what I saw: That
solar center is not a vacant lot, you should see what it will become, a beautiful building that does not fit with the aesthetics of the neighborhood.
littered the market more than anything else, this is the best form of recycling. Better than recycling is to reuse. It is an antidote to the consumerism that overwhelms us.
The diversity of people that is floating around out there is only comparable to strolling through an airport. Know this and therefore are placed on the terraces overlooking the lying. Some scouts like Zara firm is seeking a trendsetter among the pedestrians. Of course in Berlin wonder that they can get something good, in fact, diversity is quite limited to a group where there are the well-dressed nor pijillos. Yes, in what remains one can see everything.
The typical food is bad, yes. But bad, say heavy and unvaried. This involves copying from other countries. In my life have I eaten such strange things. After four days he was tired of pork and heavy sauces and had to look for other things. At the end there to bore variety.
The train is full of punks. Yes, but those collected train tickets second-hand and will resell them at unbeatable prices. Moreover, as these are incompatible with the Nazis, if there are no others. It's like when you say having ants at home is not bad, they only move in a clean, This means that your house is clean (leaving aside the fact that there are ants).
People are unfriendly. Apart from this it seems a bit exaggerated, is quite typical in large cities. I imagine they're reserved and like to save your sympathy for those who they think really deserve it.
If acorns on the ground there is not because it is full of pigs. Are also nuts and fallen leaves. It's just that there are lots of trees. In any case, this better to fall watermelons from trees.
That is very cold and raining. Thus there is no drought problems. And that gives gustirrinín get home and it gets hot, almost like you get to work.
The traffic is slow and bad planning. It is a studied plan to promote public transport (of course, not bus) and the bike. One would think that traffic lights do not work, a couple of roundabouts would settle much, etc. No, here want to get people to stop using the car on its own initiative. Could put snipers shooting at the wheels and yet they each seem free to make the decision to leave the car at home.
Apart from some dismal failure and the results have been mediocre. No one gets to understand that this I like. At best I was able to not renege on me, but the successes are counted.
Monday, September 24, 2007
Real Women In Girdles Nylons
losing streak, which means review of good things I have in Spain and glad to leave me out of here.
Traffic lights always red. If there boulevard in the middle and are 2 or 3 sections with traffic lights, the 3 times is red. Amazing to see for a while crosses where absolutely no cross, no people or cars.
slow waiters, borders and consider the tips above obligation. Almost spit when they receive it.
windows without blinds. A year and I'm not used. It may take 100 to continue bothering me the light.
Climate. And yet I have not touched a hard winter. But the continuous tag is also nasty and cold.
tram rails in the street. The tram is a great invention, the bike also, put the wheel on the track not so much. Wait
travel to Spain to eat fish. Besides canned tuna and salmon, it is difficult to find something decent. Consider
crazy the phrase "no, if by the end of the street, I'm going." Take
only beer in bars. Not that I'm complaining, but the drinks and soft drinks are not kicked out of the 2-liter bottle.
fast food stalls in the street, with people standing around eating. Not that I think it is wrong, everyone does what they want, but do not miss them.
Germans who think they are superior when they do not quite understand and are engaged to speak German even faster. Even if the only language spoken is German and not even that, what they speak a dialect called Berlin. .
the toilet two times. I've not known the time trying to make sense, any advantage over the typical lifetime. Apart from simplifying the collection of samples for testing of stool, do not understand what it does.
Ravens, I'm afraid. The pigeons make me sick. And in this city there is a lot of ones and others.
The red and green beer (only for tourists: you try it once and never return), the beer orange beer with coca-cola, coca-cola with orange fanta. These are just piggy, like small children at a birthday party. "The next thing will be, dip the worms into the drink?
The silence in the subway. Not that I want constant noise and fun, but it sometimes takes a little scary. That
to spend the day in the mountains is essential to catch a plane or car for many hours.
using acronyms for everything. Every time I rent a car I have to look it up if I want or PKW LKW. A car, I want a car, Auto in German. What hobby to have words that take up two lines and then dedicate themselves to acronyms.
I just discovered, I hate that the list of things I do miss it a lot longer than things no.
Friday, September 21, 2007
Why Do You Not Swallow Mouthwash
Like everything, the city and country has its good and bad. Rather, things I like and things that would eliminate at a stroke. Toca
optimistic streak, which means review of good things that I have in Spain and I notice to leave here.
Role in the services of any bar. Paper to dry your hands. Not occur in 100% of bars, but it is even in some of the most dirty, full of stickers, graffiti, smells ...
German TV. Admittedly not much merit here. But to learn a little language is quite useful.
Going to work by bike. Go shopping by bike. Exit las noches en bici. Hasta el punto de que se me hace duro andar durante más de 10 minutos.
Kebabs por 2€. Con un poco de esfuerzo incluso por menos, pero a veces prefiero cuidar mi organismo.
Cerveza de trigo: Hefe o Kristall. Según el caso, a precios mucho mejores que en España.
Considerar que una cena por 15€ (incluida bebida) es algo caro. Por supuesto, acabar hasta arriba y, en general, no comer fritanga (que los chopitos y las croquetas están buenos, pero al final satura. Más si se tiene en cuenta el tiempo que llevará el aceite en la freidora).
Ver a los niños montados en el sillín de atrás en la bici, observando el paisaje. Mejor aún cuando les llevan en el carrito, rodeados de juguetes.
Que los perros no ladren. Entre otras cosas porque aquí un perro aparenta algo, no es una especie de rata que sólo sabe ladrar.
Que parezca que los coches no tienen claxon. Esto no aplica para los turcos.
Que los conductores miren el espejo de la derecha antes de hacer un giro, para comprobar que no hay ciclistas. Y que esperen a que el ciclista cruce, porque si no dejaría de gustarme.
Recorrer hasta 3Km en taxi por 3,5€. Encontrar taxi sin problemas.
Que los alemanes bailen en una discoteca a su bola. Y que les dé lo mismo. Libertad de pensamiento, libertad de movimiento.
La falta de tornos en el transporte público. Entrar y listo (con billete en el bolsillo, por supuesto). That reviewers have to show the card to show that they are, because they are disguised as punks, we must recognize that at least it's fun.
Bars with sofas. And to always be the question of what happened in those couches. Say I'm with the fly behind the ear, or the flea on the ass.
vacant lot in the heart of the city. Of course, this speculation does not have much power. Decadent yet appealing at a time.
That people come to me and I have plenty of stories to tell and places to teach. In life I was interested in the history of a city.
That is as comfortable to use public transport. You almost can sit when riding. Put the bike on the metro / train.
giant bookstores. A pity that almost any book I serve.
so rare that people are spread across the city. I sit on a bench to watch them go. The guard
kebabs. I have not gotten to see ended is beside my house.
Find furniture in the street and take them home.
The markets. Someone makes the job of picking things from the trash and exponértelas in a stall.
Sunday brunch, which becomes the only meal of the day.
Many indoor pools. So many that make me doubt what to choose. Just
reaggeton there. Thereafter, any music is better.
lie down in a park. Although time does not allow it very often. That's hairdresser
not give me conversation. Still do not know if it is normal or I see the look of not learn and do not try.
The bubble in which I stand.
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Dalfour Cream Side Effects
I love this movie title.
I have not seen the movie, I have no idea what's going on, but the title I feel great. I do not see
depressing or anything, there are plans to do with children, colleagues, parents, plans alone, for the days of winter ... as also the dead are entitled to a bit of activity.
I'm more like, "things to do in Berlin in my last days." The things
outstanding I still do, plus that I can not do, plus I've given up.
I've never been afraid to not comply with the plans, and calculations that do not satisfy the third part of what I want (when they cop me on a roll), too, for that matter, attempt to saturate.
is normal that happens to everyone, the city is always there, available, so it does nothing. The typically takes 30 years living in Madrid do not see the Prado (or the Bernabeu, which is equivalent to depending on which person).
full of visitors this year has prevented me relax and most tourist things I have swallowed me. Other exhibitions
I have missed (you can not leave people with a margin of 6 months, then all relax and not go).
There are also things that I wanted at first and then lost interest.
Of the major museums have seen almost all that I wanted, then I have met.
of clubs and other clubs have not gone wrong. Are not crossed off the list all essential but I can be proud.
hidden corners that are not in the guides I've found some. This really is a never ending task.
What of the lakes did was start it. I do not feel bad, this was more dependent on climate than me.
I have ridden a bike for pleasure, I went to work by bike. I have spoken on the phone with the hand brake. I have ridden a bike with no brakes, and at first was fun but after a month sometimes step fear.
Casting for extra work in films came by accident, but is also on the list have.
I visited markets and bought things. Bars
dark and full of sofas piggy home I suspect that I have visited. It is an impossible task to complete to 100%.
I have bottle on the train. In reality, bring the bottle was to not be thirsty during the journey.
I succumbed to the spirit of consumerism, 500 of the statue of Marx and Engels.
Ikea domain have reached a more than acceptable.
I looked for work. I've even endured a job interview in German.
Nudity in a park in downtown so far I do not approach it.
I have not eaten in a squat. Walking with snow
knee missed him, here I have the excuse that the weather does not let me. German on the beach
not bathed because the temperatures are not invited. And because Germany does not smell sea to sea (I had to return to Spain to see that the sea has always smelled from afar and I was not crazy).
I have not given good milk with the bike. I do not know if I miss, the fact is that was on the list.
I've cooked my own bread, neither have I become a vegetarian, I became even a compulsive buyer of Bio products.
the end there I took a course on cross stitch just hang out with Germans.
I have not written a book, I have not had a child, I have not planted a tree.
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Where To Buy Konad In Stores
This phrase has come out of my mouth recently. Right now it's a comfort to think that few people listen.
annoys me repeat myself, but I refuse to stop talking to have new things to write.
And I will neither write, I have it as a necessity. The
being rich has to have his grace, so many millions of people trying to have their part right.
And being tacky, what nonsense, he must also have its moments. Paco Clavel and Agatha Ruiz de la Prada is the look so happy.
I have to acknowledge that being tacky is quite easy, especially in this holy city, and not necessarily expensive. The condition of being rich I put it to have a starting point.
project is still pending to give me a ride on the subway in my pajamas. Because yes, because I feel like, because no one will realize.
course that should be in good weather, and several weeks ago that we do not have that. I like that I still have plans to do (what for next summer maybe?). Here
have tacky style, strive really good enough, the clothes they are not in any side.
And also combine colors that are happy. If I, that I can not distinguish between red and maroon, I realize that is what must be greatly exaggerated.
deserves a special chapter of wearing sandals and socks. I keep beating around the bush and do not understand, I can not get the head.
I can not even get into questions of aesthetics, is that a thing contradicts the other.
is like wearing bikini but as cold weather wear tights underneath.
is like wearing short-sleeved shirt under the long sleeve (or not, this already sold well in stores).
Everything has its time and its accessories, is the beauty of living in an area away from the tropics, there are different stations to be changing the type of clothing.
What I have decided, while not swim in abundance will continue trying to dress normal environment.
not say well, well, until I get there either, but something discreet. The idea that a designer down the street stop me and find me as a young talent, trend-setter I have never come to ask, do not miss it. Even with money
have my limitations.
But at home, then yes that would wipe out pasta.
And never again set foot in the Ikea anymore. If anything to eat meatballs or breakfast, but not the furniture. At the end of the day within the bad are not so bad.
This blessed city \u200b\u200bis full of furniture stores.
swear they are old furniture, they have found in a container and sometimes (rarely) have been restored. Although lately I'm wondering, I say that is people who are dedicated to go to auctions, villages, abandoned sites ... with vans and then selling the furniture at flea markets. And they sell expensive, because it is fashionable and adds a touch retro. I've also seen enough
designer shops.
Great, the most modern. NO, this is sixties design, chairs, lamps, chairs, which were always too futuristic to be used, until they fell out of fashion. As a promising young football happens to be invited to a feast of Madrid to play in 3rd division.
not that have a retro feel, but is already obsolete, were not present from the future came directly from the past.
And have a pint of uncomfortable that hurt only see them.
Worst of all, I think that they found in an abandoned warehouse and want to get rid of everything, but it is not true, with prices clearly have what they want is to get rich. Surely until being manufactured now.
And I love, if I had money I would leave a room to decorate and the tacky. And then not use it, because I do not really practical, it would be to walk from time to time. Something like a journey in time, and even a trip to another dimension, a parallel universe. As the drugs but more expensive.
dangerous thing about dreams is that sometimes met. I hope you never have enough money to accomplish this.
Monday, September 10, 2007
What Is The Width Of The Central Maximum
At this time of year, September, course start and finish new purposes, end of an era, it seems that it's time to take stock. No grace
inertia keeps me driving the ads collectibles, training, diet, etc. I find my own reasons to meet in this state. Maybe that will be a year I started writing.
And this time I am proud to have resisted to the temptation of using topical titles.
Some have fallen in the quest to create chaos to choose them, but at least I have avoided the most obvious.
Now, to show what might have been, or perhaps to take off a coup this tension, it's time to take stock:
- "How I wish you were here." One characteristic of the Scorpions, but renegade Germans sing in English. Widely used.
- "Still Loving You." Also from the Scorpions. Da less than the previous game but holds its own.
- "Ich bin ein Berliner." Kennedy pronounced it an institutional visit. Of the most famous sentences in Germany. Very tempting from the second week living in the city. Simple to translate, but too difficult to explain the grammatical error that makes the Germans look fun.
- "Arm aber sexy." This recall having used it, but not the title. Fairly well defined this city: poor but sexy. A success of the mayor.
- "It's the economy, stupid." The phrase is from Clinton during the election campaign when Bush won. It has nothing to do with the subject, but it is a classic, especially the part of stupid!
- "Mr. Gorbachev, pull that wall." When Reagan's head was still furnished dropped that phrase about the wall. I do not know what to offer change, but it seems too easy to ask for asking.
- "Another brick in the wall." This would have been good and useful. I remember seeing a piece of Pink Floyd concert in the fall of the wall and marked me enough (I was very cute when I saw it).
- "Ick liebe dir." That's what I say when love Berlin. It would be like "I love you", but giving it 2 kicks to the language.
- "Welcome to the Cabaret!". The film of Cabaret will be American, but is based on the true cabaret in Berlin.
- "The wall will remain in place within 50 to 100 years." A prophet that the DDR policy that released the statement about 9 months before the fall. If it was not the climate history would have been left in charge of ridiculous.
- "Veni, vidi, vici." Julius Caesar was unable to occupy all of Germany (and not the whole of Gaul, a small town resisted the invaders). I do not beat their language, I had no opportunity to use the phrase.
There's more, many more. Some topical phrases used them in a moment of weakness, but they visited me many times and managed to dodge.
I'm glad at least what I did get.
Monday, September 3, 2007
Kim Kardashian's Bedroom Furniture
Oh, the bike, what makes me happy and sad.
I get the impression that the bike weighs more lately.
Just thought it would be otherwise, after a few months my body would do this. And it is quite the opposite.
be because of the weather, which so moisture does not fit the oxygen to the lungs, or a slump, or that the brake pads rub since the last time I played anything and yet still can not stop it.
also depends on how you slept, the bike helps me gauge, there are mornings I wake up happy in spite of little sleep (I'm a super macho and I can yet) and start pedaling I find that my body agrees.
That makes a good day. Occasionally I also feel like rain to get to work by subway and read down the road. On the second day underground and the joke gets tired.
More than one person told me once that did not bother him too much pedal in the rain. Moreover, sometimes she actually liked.
Quite, smooth and refreshing rain on a hot summer afternoon when I go home where I expect a bubble bath looking at my super plasma screen is also to appeal to me.
The trouble is that these conditions often are not met. Even the days I'm optimistic and I'd settle for one of them met the minimum requirements.
So, if you already several hours after dark, I have much sleep and the next day I played well early and the meter to my house is measured in thousands, rain makes me so much grace as a zombie movie.
Solution cyclists break records. I've never really measured how long it takes to go from my house to any site (roughly know the times, but I do not calculate what days faster), but surely these days is when I have better rhythm. Meto
plate and small sprocket, and sprinted up the hill above (there will be about five in the city, three of which occupy all the alternatives that I have to get to my house.)
There I am, excited like Indurain, maintaining posture and clenched teeth, hoping to get to bed early. Of course, sometimes
me 'm thinking if it gets wet is slow or the most runs. One is more time in the rain, but the other is wiping out all the drops that are falling. To no longer in doubt, I think the more I work the more I warm and avoid the cold. Hitch, wet clothes outside in the rain and inside the sweat.
I've been very clear, I have no better motivation than the rain and sleep when I'm rested and I enjoy it when it later.
It motivates me, then, to suffer, is when I pull the best of myself. No other explanation.
From time to bike and noticed that the ass I have it harder, especially the corn that I have with this saddle. And I notice especially when I ride in any other bike, all have a more comfortable seat.
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Gay Tatoo Band Designs
There, I've uploaded the English. Hala! the child is happy at last has succeeded.
In recent days I've noticed that it is a fact, I speak English and the school.
take some time to look forward to the same level of English than German.
And the truth is not going well, because it would kind of German, but from time to time I read something in English, or fell a little film in the original.
So you can not, it was impossible, if one was ahead of the other.
solution arrived alone, without waiting. As usual with these things, things are very easy and one is determined to complicate them. There was no one level up, but down the other.
The truth is that I have not needed a lot of dedication. Thus, eye, I estimate that in less than a year I've uploaded the efforts of the last five years.
never had a high level, if I saw a movie meant a quarter, half and I made up another quarter left in limbo, as something that will never enjoy. But hey, at least I was satisfied with that, sure of myself and knew I could hold a conversation or even work without using my mother tongue.
always had English as a reference to German. He remembered how he had studied the verbs to repeat the method, associated words each language, half of the thoughts that came about a language and had lived with the other ... the thing is always going to tow.
Now I find that if I speak English I have to do it slowly, thinking the words, seeking and giving pushing the German who gets in the middle. Nor
caught me by surprise, it was seen it coming for a while, but had no proof. And above all, before I cheated myself but I have evidence that this is fatal. I do not think
it is the lack of practice (also), but both languages \u200b\u200bare too many coincidences, I come words in a language when I say them in another.
A feeling of powerlessness, better believe I am when the league is reality.
If I were to choose between speaking German or English, I do not know which is worse. For what we have been, one of the few clear things in her life and now, too.
This leads me to not know what to reinforce, whether to a lost, return of the prodigal son, go to the easy, leaving both of them, defend with both hands ...
'd better get with the French, who still defend myself English or German and would like all three languages \u200b\u200bin half a year (which would stay only in conversations with the service sector).
The last one I have said is that I look German. And this time it was red and blond by the sun. Nor was my Berlin accent, if only I had been that.
Friday, August 24, 2007
High Soft Cervix And Cramps
Remembers Dr. Sánchez Ocaña and by Dr. Ochoa.
And just have memories of that shot to fame with Penelope Cruz.
mind's ways are inscrutable.
With the theme of health, the Germans are very careful, or not. I have made a mess.
traditional German food is not particularly healthy. It is based on potatoes and pork, always accompanied by sauces, sometimes rotten cabbage.
just know the fish. And it seems to have no curiosity to know its advantages.
precooked In this section I've seen filth rather curious (some with good looks, others less so). And prices rather suspicious.
In general, there is food so cheap in supermarkets makes me think evil. Let there be places where they sell roasted half chicken and half the euro is not the best advertisement for a neighborhood.
The pastry section is quite varied, but always very very sweet. Too cloying, both sugars, cream, jam.
are not sorted with food, like to eat standing or walking, not enjoy, while doing other things. Dinner too early and the rest of the afternoon is spent picking up at bedtime. Most typical
in Berlin are the Sausages with ketchup, plus shank (half lean meat, skin and bone the rest.) And, of course, the kebab, surely in the beginning, it was even good, but as far as I'm still wondering what charge they put meat there.
The fruit is not what grows best here. Everything has to be imported and so it has never had so much tradition. However
are very concerned about eating healthy.
I've never seen so many products Bio (in Spain we call ecological still do not know what definition is corny), anything can be stamped Bio. I understand in the fruit, but a Bio yogurt makes me harder. These products are up in Lidl, never have said here strive for quality. And do not care to be more expensive.
All vegetarians I've met were German or had any relationship with the country. And do not generally moral convictions, but because they think they will thus have a healthier life (debatable point, but the case is striving to be better.)
I have that many houses have several types of flour (in fact, have boats with cereals in order to grind their own flour and make bread and cakes). Known varieties of wheat with less carbohydrate and easier to digest.
consume products very rare in Spain because we sold in health food shops are the best available but do not just believe us: soybeans, millet, barley, rice, tea and 4 classes ...
The Jellies make with less sugar and more juice than in Spain (at least so say in the packages).
Snacks, cold, always filled with lettuce, tomato and cucumber. Then also have cheese or ham, but the vegetables appears to be essential.
The English, who seem to have everything going for us who was determined to say that we are better and behave worse. Mediterranean Diet
, merely a mouthful.
But we persist in taking sauces to disguise the taste of things. If you do not like the food, choose another dish, but do not fill them with ketchup and barbecue sauce.
The industrial bakery thrives. Chocolate chocolate horn has all the earmarks of being radioactive.
fish and fruit we had in life almost as a punishment. There are people who insist that the fish is not easy to eat because it has thorns and the fruit is to peel. The solution for these people is called blender, puree all foods and thus the effort is minimal.
will fish, but a greasy snack on squid do not think it falls within Mediterranean cuisine, for that is very traditional in some bars.
Girls T-shirts in Spain will teach ombliguera waistline. And you do not like that look, that's why they're more cool than anyone and still look more kinkis tracksuit.
And no, if you have genetic fat ass, the rest of the world need not consider yourself a top-model with that in mind, just have to force it a little more. He who does not have a prodigious memory works harder to draw opposition, but does not ask to be respected for being more awkward than others.
In Germany also have weight problems, but take longer concerned about the issue.
And I do not do more than look on the street, trying to compare if there are more fat people in Spain or Germany.
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Can You Bust A Chancre
More than one person has assured me that in every German there is a potential spy.
This could be true at the time of the Stasi. And the people who were stuck there, even outside collaborator, was too much to have disappeared.
That would also explain why not take the blinds and curtains: If you want to see is that you have something to hide.
And it helps me understand that no one will worry about how others, with socks and sandals, naked in the park, combine colors without (And for me to realize is that things are very bad). Actually if you look, but have developed the ability to save the environment without being noticed. That
serves espionage work when they want to point someone to do wrong.
And the Germans are very strict when it comes to following the rules. Especially when it comes to that meeting the other.
a guy can go bike riding at night, without lights, with the mp3 in their ears, talking on the phone and holding a beer in his free hand. Also, instead of going for the bike path is on the sidewalk, which tend to have fewer potholes.
If you go down the sidewalk in the opposite direction and will de hacértelo notar.
En realidad tu delito es justo lo único que él hace bien, pero eso es lo de menos, estás infringiendo la ley.
Hay que entenderlo, ese tío ha tenido, por un momento, que pararse a pensar si podía seguir por su camino sin chocarse contigo o debía dejar de pedalear para evitar el choque, calcular la distancia, la velocidad, el insulto...
En el fondo me da lo mismo, entre su velocidad y la mía, que vamos en dirección contraria, habrá una velocidad relativa de 40km/hora, intuyo que me reprocha que vaya en dirección contraria, pero no entiendo nada.
En lo que me entero de que está hablando y trato de escuchar ya estamos demasiado lejos.
Si avisara en distance to be insulting ... but in these conditions, I have nothing else to do than watch those people.
Although in reality often do know what will happen, just do not feel like answering them.
Another day I saw one looking out the balcony cried some tourists who had set up children in a courtyard swings, in the heart full of tourists.
Man, if that gentleman would walk already retired, want to ride that afternoon on the swings and is occupied by foreign children, it is normal that bothers you.
there are many more examples, such as complaining about the holidays at home, although the noise does not reach them.
There are times when I love not understand
Friday, August 17, 2007
Laboratory 5: Cell Respiration Answers
Being a few days holiday in Spain I've realized that life is like a reversible jacket.
Like being in Germany things seem strange, a German in Spain will feel a little weird sometimes.
For once I have disguised German and tried to guess his thoughts when surrounded by English in Spain (Balearic and Canary Islands this rule.)
People do not stop eating. In general breakfast is not much (normal, if they sleep with a full stomach still have reservations), but about 11 are going to the bar to eat.
Café con leche and tortilla. The I swear, I've seen. Not that I'm shocked by mixing sweet with salty, but this seems to me obscene.
course in the same bar where they eat it with pork legs hanging. Vale which are cured and that the ham is typical, but that stands up to the hoof, that if the pigs were painted nail polish would be there yet.
In those same bars, the real, you can throw things on the ground: the shells, napkins, cigarette butt ... I wonder if, as open in the morning, and spread a little of that to give it its charm. It's not as disgusting as it might seem, from time to time are non-sweeping flood. About
of the 2 people eat, not even come in to assess how late I think.
And at 7 pm and are back swallowing. And there really is a non stop until evening.
not know if it's a snack, tapas, tapas, snacks, dinner, early dinner or just greed. The fact is that between one thing and another until 11 at night you can see people eating terrace.
Another thing I do not understand how to endure the heat.
Of course it depends on the area. Although generally hot summer everywhere in the center and south is unbearable. Reach
40 degrees and people do not get scared. Do not leave home, go to malls with air conditioning, whatever, but is that you can not walk on the street!
What night? Unbearable, which is 6 am, more than 8 hours the sun was still hot. Even the locals, I thought that would be used to it by what to wear from children living it, pass it fatal.
Sure, people do not sleep well at night and then it seems that everyone is sick in the head. Now begin to explain many things.
I could go on and on and on, until we know where they are rarer, whether there or here (this looks like Sesame Street and I do not know what is here and what is there.)
Monday, July 30, 2007
Dirtiest Indian Actress
Sometimes I like to have a place to write things that I can not say.
The trouble is that there are things I would not have to write.
To compensate for some things, though I am not able or write.
This holy city is now more sad.
's fault this time do not have the permamente tag, nor cold, nor the Germans, or food, or language.
4 million Germans have not noticed, but it has been the joy of the city.
On the other hand, 7 million Catalans do not realize what they have fallen from heaven.
try to attack with their own weapons and the way to the solution, the only thing that occurred to me, is to make an announcement. I have to consider whether they are more successful in print ads, internet, posters on the lampposts, the only thing clear is that here you can find anything through an ad.
The examples are many: roommate, substitute to resell the room during the vacation month (or 17 days, you do not need or collect clothing); car companion on a journey of 2 hours, someone cut the penis and eat it, after cooking, before killing the owner (and this is a real news a few years ago); buyer for a collection of books which lacks half of the leaves ... whatever.
I am preparing a list of requirements. I anticipate that I will that make Dr. Frankenstein and take pieces of many people, because they find anyone to meet even half: Smile
almost permamente. Risa
easy even with bad jokes. Capacity
up in the middle of the meal to gesture, jump, jump, scream or do whatever it takes as long to tell a story and make it clear. Plans
nonstop ideas to stop a train travel, restaurants, places to visit, parks, museums, workshops, evening ... then meet a third of all of them. Initiative such as laziness. Indecision
continuous. Capable of going from one decision to the contrary in seconds, and at the same speed change again, or find a new option with which to doubt.
Spree without stopping, until the time it takes. And 24 hours after recovery.
love / hate for the language. And support me when I complain about it. And that I contradict my self-esteem when he says that I can never speak.
the end will finish replacing all that for a bit of melancholy.
Thursday, July 19, 2007
What Does Chapped Lips Look Like On A Dog
begin to suspect that historians tell us things as they please. Not that the Inquisition was dedicated to burning witches to maintain the rule of fear and have people at their mercy. Those people liked to barbecue and share with the people. Another thing is that in those days was the only food available of the nobles and the final throw of what was at hand, sinners, that of those the world is full.
there any point in my life where I thought the man knew how to make fire by instinct.
Man as male, not human. If a woman can start and maintain a fire will be because you have seen any practical sense.
Over time I have discovered that more than a virtue is a pyromaniac trend that is hiding and comes to light when a BBQ.
I like how it is assembled in Germany.
I do not know whether the importance they give or just the opposite. The mixture of contradiction, surely.
On one side barbecue could become a point of obsession. They are not used to days to invite to dinner in the field, as they see a ray of sunshine, throw it.
are placed in parks, on the banks of the river in the backyard, on the terrace / balcony of the house ... certain that one has set up barbecue in a pot next to the park.
other hand, do not give so much hype and Spain, we can throw us a week of planning. Rather, speaking of planning, the trick is to improvise at the last minute. The myth of German
planner falls under its own weight in this topic.
No one can predict if tomorrow will be good days and if it is sunny today, pulling carpe-diem, goes to the supermarket to buy food and drink and mess. In less than an hour of suggestion can become reality.
And do not even need big infrastructure: they have the basic things needed and it goes perfect. Flame or dishes that could be used to collect a steel cast iron or cutlery, glasses, chairs, tables, refrigerator, ice, paella ... nothing. Just
barbecue, tweezers (this goes for taste, a couple to handle coal and another for food or mix one thing with another) and a blanket to sit. This way of simplifying
all makes me wonder if it's in his genes. Or they are taught from an early age in school.
You may need to be considered German.
may require access to citizenship. This would explain that the Turks tried to compensate for their lack of integration and language problems by fire (if something's are very friendly and the other very well, the average ends up being something neutral).
And all this without addressing men barbecue.
are some men who are often the center (tourist area) and have a gas canister backpack behind and in front of the grill where the grilled sausages (the catalog of products is just there.)
The image is that of the cigarrilleras club hostess of the films of the 50 but the brute. They charge
however, certain that some have the smallest kitchen what are these in tow.
And if the summer is hard to heat in winter have to endure rain and cold standing there. And some graciosillo that seems fun to take a photo with the poor exploited (alas, I still can not get away this shame from the top).
When leaving, leave the bottle lying is not filth, it's solidarity with those who work to collect them. Between 8 and 25 cents depending on the type of bottle.
For them it is far more pleasant to look out the bins of the seasons, which is where I usually see, some with flashlight to inspect it.
What we fail now is the time to start. If dark at 10 and started at 9, with lighting that is just raw meat or burnt. It's exciting like Russian roulette.
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Dune Buggy Primary Games
Supermarkets lose me, drive me crazy.
In the literal sense, I mean you can not live without them, but to what looks like a maze.
I do not know if I'm shorter than the average customer, but every time I go I leave without buying half the things planned.
I'm sure it's a conspiracy, every other day change things around so there is no way of knowing.
On the other hand, can I ask for the moon and can not find things just because are.
Of the four that I have close to home, only one meets the minimum standards of order. The most expensive and where ever there are people at the door with a bottle. I will be a preppy. Topic
apart are the conversations with the cashiers. Three trips
needed to learn that some places had me wondering if client card. Two more trips to be aware that even asking for an order of a euro. Later
to understand when I offered hearts (another program of points that give hearts to paste in a pamphlet.)
The supermarket cashier my trust is not silent. Actually I have no idea what it says, but it should be something like "here apples are, what healthy apples, "" good time for asparagus, yes sir "," are € 28.70. Okay, give me 30, I return 1.30, here and here are the 30 penny back the euro. You pass a good evening, or what remains of it. "
suspect that one day could spend 10 minutes calling me names and I smile.
That man and I have to know, even light, and know that no longer will listen. But of course, there are ladies who laugh and thank the man speaks louder, but to me that you enjoy the rest of his usual audience.
Or the option of the pocket the other day, I gave a single sentence did not understand and asked to repeat, but he refused.
I have my own repertoire of phrases supermarket, rather than understanding what they tell me I look through the list of possible the most similar to the ear.
This time I do not know if I said it looked like he was asleep, the purchase would be free for the client a million or tarantula up having a shoulder and I could sting and died poisoned. And
bothers me because while I do not speak the stick: serious, formal, to try to put the German side. But when I do talk about is when I caught, I do not hear anything. If you ever wanted to be a spy would have to work quietly to go unnoticed.
What we do not get to watch is the ticket purchase. As much as I take them home to study them in a while, a week turning out throwing.
And I thought that couple of months I would be responsible for such things.
Thursday, July 5, 2007
How To Get Rid Of A Stiff Neck
Sometimes I think if I get tired of myself. If I speak either alone (at home, when I ride a bike, when I go underground and I forgot the book at home, in the library) that already I can only talk about the weather.
I get up in the morning and look out the window, but that it overlooks a courtyard that covered the sky is so small that, in fact, I used to know what the weather will be.
And I begin to say what a good day, or what bad day, I plan a full day. If I look back at 5 minutes after all the plans may come to nothing.
Time is a typical conversation with a lift. However, I have just used. The few times I have met someone on an elevator and started talking (not by me, and does not blame the language) was not always the time the center of the conversation.
not call it conversation. It was rather a phrase, I took a while to smile, to process the sentence, translate, understand, think clever response, discarded because my German was not so bad and the final answer any nonsense. The adventurers still insisted a contrarrespuesta, I turned to follow the usual procedure and the other is tired and we reached the destination.
But other people do I speak of time. Within
wrong in this country is an issue that gives enough of himself. As
morning can comment that the day is sad and gray, disgusting, too bad time, you'd think we are in summer ... afternoon can make a fresh start: the final day has been arranged, have said on the radio that within 2 days the good weather, it was time this morning and it felt a little embarrassment .. .
next day can be repeated but in reverse, going crazy after so long without sunshine ...
and gives ample room for the body also, "you seem to have caught the sun", "are the UVA rays," "I think I'm cold," he is taking the spring allergies, "is what kills moisture "," I love the smell of wet grass, "" I hate having wet feet. "
What bothers me most in my conversations to one, is this uncertainty in preferences.
in winter because it was so cold as expected and could leave home, no more evenings of cards and films.
In the spring because the heat was not normal, and in April was the thing, better not think about the summer bus full of people sweating.
In summer because we have been without him before and we have been accustomed over, no swimming pool or walk in the park.
If it is cold because it does, if it does because it is not normal, if it does not rain there is drought, when it rains what can be done, the sun because swelter, the clouds because depressed, if the nights are long, how sad, if The sun was just relentlessly can not sleep until noon.
Too much free time to reflect.
What annoys me, no doubt, is that Spain is so happy with their summer.
Friday, June 29, 2007
Baby Shower Flower Arrangements
Definition of spice: the jokes that have grandparents that appear in the afternoon programming on TV. And then they out the same mischievous smile of children under 7 years when talking about these issues.
Spicy food is like in Asian countries. At least that's what would have you believe after visiting several restaurants in them.
I have yet to eat it in English, to compare the reality with the restaurants. And then transfer the difference to any other restaurant.
the moment, while he has no evidence to the contrary, the thing is that the Asians like spicy food.
A clear Mexicans also like it hot. Adding another country
temperate or warm, always had concluded that in hot countries where food spoils more quickly fill with spices that preserve food while hiding the taste of rot.
All this myth has fallen, the German love spicy food, spices, sauces, strong flavors that kill the rest.
I thought I liked spicy food, the kind that leaves the mouth asleep and I do not care what you eat, because everything has lost its flavor.
A month soon realized that all the variety that exists in the letter, I must focus on what makes "soft" or "very soft", if one day I feel with your stomach too clean, I can dare to " medium-high. "
The first few times doubted sometimes even chose dishes from ingredients which appeared the word "hot." I never dared to the category "strong", but once I was tempted to make me the macho.
Occasionally a German asks me if I like spicy food. There is something that must be very easy to prepare, because it is very common, "chili con carne," which is spicy. They must think that is English, like many other Mexican foods.
generally believe that in Spain you eat spicy.
So when I say that pica food here too, I begin to treat as a baby (yes, come to me to give me the letter of children: macaroni chicken with tomatoes and potatoes).
And then I wonder about the chorizo \u200b\u200b(sausage tell. Basically what it is, if big sausage is sausage). Yes, there is hot because it has pepper (capsicum "big? Nothing in the end the translation remains in chilli), but never reaches the levels here.
Then I start to think that in Spain we like is the pure, smooth flavors, no additives, things taste of what they are (apart from those who invented botillo Leon and another that escapes).
These who are jerks and go to death. Even the vegetarian food is heavy. Come
say that healthy is dinner at 7, to go to bed with a full stomach is bad. Eat that is bad, no matter what go to bed 3 hours later, they will come to me now healthy people.
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Indian Actress Breasts
In these latitudes, to see the sunrise in summer, is cheaper to extend the dinner to set the alarm.
Is it true that legend of the rooster is the one who wakes the sun at dawn? In Spain I could see logical means, but here the slippage between winter and summer is such that the poor thing has to go crazy.
to get here I thought going out partying with sunglasses were a bunch of geeks, who are believed to go as night goggles. Here
begin to find sense. As soon as one gets lost the last dancing most popular English song in Germany (at the time unknown in Spain, I am still thinking where will the guy who sings with an accent so weird-) the sun is hitting with a vengeance.
This holy city is full of factories.
Factory as a concept of building from the late nineteenth century, nice and all, that one seems to still watching the kids working from sunrise to sunset (in winter yet, but in the summer ... now that's working hours .)
The factory as a site where things are not in fashion here. That is left for cities where there is money, not here are so shallow.
And finally, as are the buildings there is no question of wasting them (efficiency to death). Can be converted into bars, theaters, clubs, cinemas, restaurants, squats ...
squats actually join the rest. Imagine riding business to cover the cost of the house, but I started to list the expenses and hand me a spare.
course, if you drink at these sites and leaves without pay should not be frowned upon, at the end of the house is occupied. Or maybe you have to pay a symbolic thing, or depending on how rich are the waiters ...
On the other hand must always be ready to fight, if any they want to throw them away must fight for what is theirs, their territories or by their ideology, or by the project, o. ..
Sometimes I think it's very hard to be at hand, one has to keep his head in place and straight, because if you do not start to raise some important existential questions. More or less as the capitalist free-market advocate who always try to export, imports need to be regulated before we flood poor countries with their products, that after all they would not have such low labor costs if we do not we taught to exploit children.
The best use I see in these factories is that disco. Virtually
no need to do anything, there are large spaces to put people and noise. Not even necessary investment in decor, in fact the owners wanted to create a post-industrial environment, and when they got there, they found that someone had advance.
What better for that than a power plant? Be able to put self-sufficient even watts of sound.
In light also spends. Apparently not, because everything is so dark, but lights to stop a train. Only used a slightly different way to create strange effects rather than illuminates.
But I think what the power plant could take a step further and reach the nuclear plant.
In the reactor hall can be a lot more people, hence the environment itself would be cool. Energy
would spare, surely start at 6 pm for when people start to get what is at full capacity. Pool
foam party already have. It would have to remove some residues which are then cooled, but can not be that hard.
And what you save on lighting effects, all these residues radiating color. It would open a closet and keep it there all by hand.
Yes, all that exists in the world and in this holy city is the Cathedral, the largest among large. Oh, if we had a bit more lax laws that could be done.
As O'Funkillo sings:
lacquer paint us with our
And that goalkeepers do not see if they are put Gorilón mosque
looking for a fight And I say "what does that have to do?"
If my boots worth 15 talegasos in the English Court
Honestly, I do not know what it is lacquer, therefore, if we do not see anything and a lot is to distinguish between male and female.
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
How To Cut Anarkali Costumes
The holiday villages are known to be the biggest event happening in the city.
All children will in summer the people and parties are the highlight.
That usually lasts until they reach voting age (some earlier, others later.) It is well known
permissiveness of parents in the village festivals. The biggest nonsense I've heard people to have occurred at that time (except those who have been Erasmus, which goes a step further.)
know that people who had defined how the neighborhood streets could get no further, yet the people were dawn.
The radar that parents had to know that the boy smelled of snuff for having been in the recreational was annulled in the village.
Festivals in Germany, for my limited experience, are quite similar to English.
The main difference here is that food and drink is the star item. It fills all of booths with food and drink.
The first few times I thought there was a lot of variety, sausages and other region, roast beef, pork, Asian food, Italian, Turkish, sweet ...
then I realized that the variety was fixed, always the same food, the same posters, the same colors and smells.
Of course, there is room for carousels and music, but must have it to do something while swallowing. And drink lots of drinks, filth all possible (mixed with any drink beer, mixed drinks together, mix fruit with alcohol, put bubbles in the water, bubbles in apple juice).
thought that in Spain the food was important (the Mediterranean diet: aceitazo everywhere. What is worth that studies show that the oil is hot, but do not think the studies were done with the fried food) and drink more. But here is inconceivable without food fair. It's that simple. I guess maybe that's why they are so used foreign words like "party" or "party" to refer to something that no booths with food. Both roll
travel to learn new habits I have made a mess. The cotton candy is everywhere, sugared almonds I do not know where they are typical (as many years I lived deceived into thinking that just make a nuns knew closing 20 minutes from my house and they are everywhere), but here I have found "friendly to teeth" (I would say less damaging, although they have less sugar, not be the best).
surprised me even more that sell pieces of coconut. Coco!, Or watermelon and peanuts. An exotic product in the fairs that are supposed to be the most traditional. I have only
clear that this is not English or German, what time it was considered that fit in a laptop position? Who copied who? Are they occurred all at once?
Another thing I discovered is that not afraid of rain.
If rain bothers them and pick up a bit, but generally are quietly guard (some directly or shelter) are not enclosed home for nonsense like that.
And when it's cloudy I left the bike at home.
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
How To Compere A Function
universal is certainly a legend in Spain (and national identities or anything) that the doors of the cabbage gets a man to hand out candy with drugs.
piece of promotional campaign, they giving up that children are engaged and then the charge. At this level only comes Coca-Cola. With my ability
Abstraction I went further and knew that it could distribute candy giving any other sweet, like chocolate, and even trading cards impregnated with drugs, engage you just by touching them. The smugglers are very clever, if children are prevented from candy, change the product to deceive.
Then there's the typical Hollywood movie phrase "will last less than a cake at the school door." Once I had established the connection between candy and drugs, that covered up the cakes. Well-taught children would not eat a cake left out in the door.
Even today, with some of my lost innocence, I can not understand the sentence. A cake to the school gate could be tempered before being eaten. Or that children only come with the vocation of junkies.
Continuing the theme of drugs, the other day, with review of inventory at home (mental review, I am dedicated to open and record my own boxes, I have many), I remembered that I have kit. Do not think anyone will call a cabinet drawer where I have things loose, but all the medicines of the house is there (next to the pitch and I do not remember what else).
not usually be very proactive, but it seemed useful to have the basics of emergency, to find a pharmacy on duty and make myself understood to be below the minimum can be durillo.
The list of ailments for which I am prepared fit on the sidelines of a business card, but it still does not cover my expectations.
And I'm thinking now what to do with the drugs that I have accumulated (put them in front of the school, perhaps).
remember there was a legend that said that mixing aspirin with Coca-Cola had any effect. If it were not bad I'm leaving the Coca-Cola (no beer or beats the price) could try and learn things.
I was considering giving me head against the wall and see if the headache motivates me to take aspirin. Surely if I crack a wall return of rent deposits. Ruled out this option. I have also
another drug to the stomach. I was pessimistic before coming here and provided further abuse to my body. Either that or I have trained bomb-proof. Anyway, could be the opportunity to test the limits of effort and know at what point I need antacids, which I feel bad mixtures according to the hours, etc. If you ever want to do, this is the time.
I do not remember more, I do not think gauze serve to cultivate new vegetables, and with that I have no bike accidents, the package is unopened.
is clear that this country, one of the most important in the chemical and farmacéutico, no habrá alcanzado su nivel de desarrollo gracias a mí consumo.
A veces me pregunto cuál es mi aportación aquí.
Friday, June 8, 2007
How To Masterbate For Guys Using Bed
Desde que era pequeño y me encasquetaron las gafas las uso como me da la gana.
Como resumen la cosa queda que cuando trabajo y estudio las llevo puestas, el resto del tiempo no.
Sobre todo estando en la calle, cuando llevo gafas me siento torpe.
Básicamente siempre he pensado que soy como Superman, sólo que cuando me quito las gafas la gente me sigue reconociendo.
Últimamente eso de ser superhombre me sabía a poco y he decidido jugar a ser dios (tanto superhombre, dios y alemán por todos lados, sólo falta Nietzsche, which always hated folosofía).
But not in the destructive side, with plagues, floods, annihilation of Sodom, etc. Has given me to create life.
all started when I finally went to a florist not run by Chinese and bought a geranium (after searching a while I found the poster of "geranium" and threw me head, could finally explain what plant I have at home without having to describe -green, rounded leaves and red flowers, no more).
Before coming home and had decided that competition would make all those stores and I would dedicate to cut cuttings for resale when they grew up. I left the seedling
that attaches to the house for a month and then I cut a branch and put it in a jar with water.
That was very slow, so I set out to follow Mendel's school and play with vegetables (and take what I learned in school).
Since the buy canned peas, cooked, I started playing with raw vegetables.
I put a pea in a jar. In fact, since it is the only use I have given to pulses in recent months, got more chickpeas and some lentils.
Instinct told me that putting rice would not work (and it would not seriously look like a stew).
noodles, despite being a city boy, I know you do not grow (No plant or animal, it is clear that mineral).
I remember I had to wrap him in cotton that were floating in the water and see how they were going out the tentacles. Cotton
I have no home kit, put a pair of jeans (from 100% cotton), I thought killing flies with cannon fire. At the end is stuck in a piece of paper towel, which also absorbs and white.
The other option I could think of was to make a piece of chicken on the table for a month, but it looked too easy and it scares me to know what life could get out. Nor does it rule out if the beans do not give me joy.
As this goes forward The next step is to cut pieces of yellow rose, geranium and plunge it into the tape put to heal. Trying to make genetic improvement.
I have seen this done and catches me so close (genetically speaking) that scares me. Surprised
I have these plants, they endure without complaint the poor of my care.
Tuesday, June 5, 2007
Catchy Slogans For Fruit
That must be what people feel they will never become a company manager.
Among other things because if the good workers get promoted and become leaders, who will lift the company?
ever heard that the greatest danger from someone who hangs (for example, a chair lift) is the temptation to jump into the void.
Finally, after all, if you do not feel like waiting for rescue is the only way.
According to my experience in Germany, medium and large cities have a television tower. It's like the Lollipop Torrespaña, but without the excuse of having a World Cup. In this holy city
did to demonstrate his power and greatness of its engineers. By the way to send TV signal to the other side (more or less the same as do those of Televerbo, but organized by the government and with more resources).
In the other cities may be more or less tall, beautiful or ugly, the important thing is that is full of antennas.
is normal, almost never have a hand mount to mount the repeater antenna.
What is common everywhere (in all countries) is to enable high places for tourists.
For that we are all willing to pay, even if it involves climbing 300 steps (why do you pay to suffer? Sure that under normal conditions would not come up stairs if you paid me. Travel stun people).
Sometimes there are steps, there are sites that have a lift preparations. That usually means a premium.
can be a veranda, a balcony on a hill, a tower of a church (enter the cathedral, visit the Basilica and the tomb of the founder with his body remains incorrupt is included in the price, up to bell tower is separate), a guard post or a stake with a chair at the tip.
be that we like to see the city from another point of view, or see it all in one sitting ("In 8 hours I spent in the city I had time to see everything. In fact, I fit in 3 photos). Although it is true that guides (for those who have such things).
Or just that we attract the highest, we like to know what they feel the birds. And happened to Icarus.
Once someone has to cough up the comment "will host there from here." I do not hear it I feel like I'm missing something. The "people here seem ants" long time no hear it, maybe just me said when I was little, and not funny.
The latter (higher) purpose is to know I've done on the roofs of houses.
Actually, I agree with being able to locate my neighborhood, I see roofs from any viewpoint of the city and I feel totally lost. I can be minimally guided by the position of the sun and stuff, but I'd be able to find my house from the towers of the churches that are around. So step
check if my neighborhood looks like it old, or new, or if the streets seem wider, if there are many green areas ...
The first idea was to walk down the street looking up. Walking is more or less viable but very tired all the streets and kick. Cycling
I'm afraid to go looking at the clouds will be a matter of going to practice, as hands-free driving.
The car has a roof, I can look up.
'll keep looking for alternatives.
Anyway, this is going to require some effort, here all the towers I look alike (like the Chinese, among them distinguished, but at first glance there is no difference).
Friday, June 1, 2007
Hacking Internet Dongle
Sometimes languages \u200b\u200balso give satisfaction.
taught to reflect on the things of life, cultural differences and cultural similarities.
I learned that German is the envy yellow (the green color it was the hope). I do not understand any of these abstract associations of color.
when something strange, I come from Spain. To me the things that keep ringing me to understand Chinese, they will become closer. German
mice, like the English, start dancing when the cat is not home.
The word "free" use it fluently. I understand that "party" is synonymous with "bash" because they have a great time on holiday in Mallorca, but is that nobody gives anything for free here and need foreigners? Instead of giving
head against the wall, running through his head.
The sun is female and the moon man. Obviously, here the sun will never be called Lorenzo and Catherine Moon. However, land remains wife (who is the bringer of life) and the sky is over, man.
Of the five recommended daily meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner, snack and dinner) here we can only do three, have missing terms to name the rest.
With all that complain the lords of the SAR as we neglect our language, has no comparison to what the German, English shooting at every opportunity. Even when we take a word of English, the utter as we please. That each one takes as good or bad (to preserve the purity of the original or adapting to the language itself); union philosophical discussions with language.
I love that sign language to have their differences by language. And it's funny (although it should really irritate me) not be able to use English gestures in some cases, because in German it best.
amuses me when I hear a German use regionalism that I can not understand English. What comes after that is your face skeptical and question whether it is English because I do not understand, I do not like much.
was funny when I explained that they should eat breakfast a lot (like an emperor), eating well (as a king) and dinner little (and poor). Understood all words, but the emperor did not see it above the king and I had to count up the country's history to understand the sentence.
does not seem to get the Germans to learn English so quickly. I think this should be more balanced: I suffer with them their language and mine.
sometimes saw in my city to groups of foreign students who speak English, having a bad time. Do not understand why they enjoyed having such a hard time. Now I see it: unity is strength, is believed to joining all the poor would get at least make a heridita language. Deluded, I'm trying and I'm seeing it clear that this will never happen.
Last discovery that has dazzled me is the ambiguity involves the phrase "Ich bin verliebt in Berlin."
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Grow Back Hair Anorexia
Can you be a hypochondriac to have the symptoms of hypochondria?
Every time I read the requirements to be a good hypochondriac I identify with everyone. But I passed the same with any other disease, so I'm a little busy.
The problem is that being a hypochondriac is complicated: you have to study a disease, the symptoms begin to associate with themselves (this is the easiest, because it allows a certain freedom: if a deadly disease is detected by a sharp pain in the mouth the stomach and is somewhat diverted el tobillo se puede considerar una rara mutación de esa enfermedad) y, finalmente, ir al médico. Lo último es lo que más pereza me da.
Tampoco estoy acostumbrado a sentirme físicamente mal (aparte de tener siempre sueño), así que de momento me reservo lo de ser hipocondríaco para el futuro.
Está bonito eso de no ponerse malo, aunque tiene sus pegas. Cuando me pasa algo estoy desorientado, no sé si el dolor que siento es normal, más o menos de lo normal. Y no me atrevo a quejarme, porque no tengo para comparar. Y me asusto, porque quizá debería quejarme y lo estoy dejando pasar.
También tiene ventajas. A la mínima que me siento mal, la sensación es desagradable (For all the world, but when you get used to leave it running) and try to fix it. The instructions give me the required standard to the letter, until I felt renewed (and a little better, tip) and then now I can return to care less as usual.
In this blessed city also has to be sick. A force. If only for statistical and the number of artists who are (at least mentally ill.)
In Spain, any self respecting city has a character who is collecting cartons, junk and trash in general to resell. Legend has it that a person with a lot of money, sometimes family, sometimes based cattle collect things. I imagine that somewhere
If it's true, what is clear is that this character does not distinguish historical facts or laws or anything.
do not know if this be so, those involved to collect bottles can not be rich, there is over-supply of skilled labor for such tasks.
Aside from that group, in this holy city there are many people who, at first glance, is fatal.
Like all depends on the side from which you look, the situation seems even pretty: Here you can live with the head on another planet. Can live, no one bothers them, they are not locked up in mental institutions to avoid the embarrassment of the family ... I wonder if there will be more crazy in Spain, but have them all hidden.
irrefutable proof, really, how's the standard here is that fans who have to practice what they call "Despelote at every opportunity," or in a more literal translation "Free Body Culture," which comes to the same but much more apparent.
It is not normal environment, which they see the sun and lie down in the parks and take off their clothes. As these people are very ready, also have things to show the world when it's cold.
As prepared as you are, when suddenly finds himself with the practitioners of this pseudo-religion, at least that happens is to remain traumatized for the rest of the day.
I understand why Don Quixote is English, this would have gone unnoticed.
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Laboratory 5: Cellular Respiration Answers
trauma were all my childhood. At home there was a metal cabinet with mirror above the sink. I did not reach the mirror and I had to look in the drawers of metal, more or less made me an idea of \u200b\u200bthe image, but not the best.
When I grew up and came over my parents decided to buy a mirror four times larger. Not that I mind, because now I know I could fatten up to take three times now and I would watch over, but the detail may have had some years earlier.
now in my house there are no mirrors. I mean the whole body. I have the bath
me to comb my hair and dark circles. Just because I look at the language.
remember a time when I became obsessed with the theory that when you get sick in the stomach is dirty language.
He kept pulling off the tongue in the mirror to see who was always wrong. It is normal, considering that I never knew what color has a clean tongue.
So, the day I felt bad, checking that the language was dirty. Other days I felt fine until I had checked the dirty language.
It is also true that, yes, the days he was very white of truth was worse.
When I first came home I noticed the detail of the mirror. There is a fairly big, but start at the height of the sternum, so the utility is the same as that which is in the bathroom. Tilting and viewing perspective can still serve for another part of my body.
addition, this mirror has a pair of slits through it. I'm used to people I remember my bad luck. I guess that applies for breaking it, not that it has, for now I'm relaxed.
I will not deny, I am too lazy to buy a mirror, loading it with him and hung on the wall.
The solution I've found I feel good, I look in the mirrors of the store when I buy clothes. Simply
to retain the image in memory for how I have left. Removing space to hold other things but not bad. There are parts of my body, with or without a mirror, do not get to see.
is the other option, look in the windows when I walk down the street. I do not usually do much, but I have seen it. The idea is that you turn your head as if looking at the inside, but everyone realizes the reality.
seems a little narcissistic, but not why. Just one left home long ago and has not picked up a hand mirror. Become
photos to look good is risky. Poses and thinking I would end up making model.
the same lines of not paying attention to my body is not having scale. But it is also true that sometimes I find any that I can use (for example, the tape of the airport where they weigh the bags, I always wanted to go climb a bit, did to them what it will cost me?).
the end of the day, my clothes still remains as always, I'm certainly not undergoing significant change.