Friday, August 17, 2007

Laboratory 5: Cell Respiration Answers

Life backwards

Being a few days holiday in Spain I've realized that life is like a reversible jacket.

Like being in Germany things seem strange, a German in Spain will feel a little weird sometimes.

For once I have disguised German and tried to guess his thoughts when surrounded by English in Spain (Balearic and Canary Islands this rule.)

People do not stop eating. In general breakfast is not much (normal, if they sleep with a full stomach still have reservations), but about 11 are going to the bar to eat.
Café con leche and tortilla. The I swear, I've seen. Not that I'm shocked by mixing sweet with salty, but this seems to me obscene.
course in the same bar where they eat it with pork legs hanging. Vale which are cured and that the ham is typical, but that stands up to the hoof, that if the pigs were painted nail polish would be there yet.
In those same bars, the real, you can throw things on the ground: the shells, napkins, cigarette butt ... I wonder if, as open in the morning, and spread a little of that to give it its charm. It's not as disgusting as it might seem, from time to time are non-sweeping flood. About

of the 2 people eat, not even come in to assess how late I think.

And at 7 pm and are back swallowing. And there really is a non stop until evening.
not know if it's a snack, tapas, tapas, snacks, dinner, early dinner or just greed. The fact is that between one thing and another until 11 at night you can see people eating terrace.

Another thing I do not understand how to endure the heat.
Of course it depends on the area. Although generally hot summer everywhere in the center and south is unbearable. Reach
40 degrees and people do not get scared. Do not leave home, go to malls with air conditioning, whatever, but is that you can not walk on the street!
What night? Unbearable, which is 6 am, more than 8 hours the sun was still hot. Even the locals, I thought that would be used to it by what to wear from children living it, pass it fatal.
Sure, people do not sleep well at night and then it seems that everyone is sick in the head. Now begin to explain many things.

I could go on and on and on, until we know where they are rarer, whether there or here (this looks like Sesame Street and I do not know what is here and what is there.)


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