Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Can You Bust A Chancre

In compliance with current regulations

More than one person has assured me that in every German there is a potential spy.
This could be true at the time of the Stasi. And the people who were stuck there, even outside collaborator, was too much to have disappeared.
That would also explain why not take the blinds and curtains: If you want to see is that you have something to hide.
And it helps me understand that no one will worry about how others, with socks and sandals, naked in the park, combine colors without (And for me to realize is that things are very bad). Actually if you look, but have developed the ability to save the environment without being noticed. That

serves espionage work when they want to point someone to do wrong.
And the Germans are very strict when it comes to following the rules. Especially when it comes to that meeting the other.
a guy can go bike riding at night, without lights, with the mp3 in their ears, talking on the phone and holding a beer in his free hand. Also, instead of going for the bike path is on the sidewalk, which tend to have fewer potholes.
If you go down the sidewalk in the opposite direction and will de hacértelo notar.
En realidad tu delito es justo lo único que él hace bien, pero eso es lo de menos, estás infringiendo la ley.
Hay que entenderlo, ese tío ha tenido, por un momento, que pararse a pensar si podía seguir por su camino sin chocarse contigo o debía dejar de pedalear para evitar el choque, calcular la distancia, la velocidad, el insulto...
En el fondo me da lo mismo, entre su velocidad y la mía, que vamos en dirección contraria, habrá una velocidad relativa de 40km/hora, intuyo que me reprocha que vaya en dirección contraria, pero no entiendo nada.
En lo que me entero de que está hablando y trato de escuchar ya estamos demasiado lejos.
Si avisara en distance to be insulting ... but in these conditions, I have nothing else to do than watch those people.
Although in reality often do know what will happen, just do not feel like answering them.

Another day I saw one looking out the balcony cried some tourists who had set up children in a courtyard swings, in the heart full of tourists.
Man, if that gentleman would walk already retired, want to ride that afternoon on the swings and is occupied by foreign children, it is normal that bothers you.
there are many more examples, such as complaining about the holidays at home, although the noise does not reach them.

There are times when I love not understand


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