Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Dune Buggy Primary Games

The basket

Supermarkets lose me, drive me crazy.
In the literal sense, I mean you can not live without them, but to what looks like a maze.
I do not know if I'm shorter than the average customer, but every time I go I leave without buying half the things planned.
I'm sure it's a conspiracy, every other day change things around so there is no way of knowing.
On the other hand, can I ask for the moon and can not find things just because are.
Of the four that I have close to home, only one meets the minimum standards of order. The most expensive and where ever there are people at the door with a bottle. I will be a preppy. Topic

apart are the conversations with the cashiers. Three trips
needed to learn that some places had me wondering if client card. Two more trips to be aware that even asking for an order of a euro. Later
to understand when I offered hearts (another program of points that give hearts to paste in a pamphlet.)
The supermarket cashier my trust is not silent. Actually I have no idea what it says, but it should be something like "here apples are, what healthy apples, "" good time for asparagus, yes sir "," are € 28.70. Okay, give me 30, I return 1.30, here and here are the 30 penny back the euro. You pass a good evening, or what remains of it. "
suspect that one day could spend 10 minutes calling me names and I smile.
That man and I have to know, even light, and know that no longer will listen. But of course, there are ladies who laugh and thank the man speaks louder, but to me that you enjoy the rest of his usual audience.
Or the option of the pocket the other day, I gave a single sentence did not understand and asked to repeat, but he refused.
I have my own repertoire of phrases supermarket, rather than understanding what they tell me I look through the list of possible the most similar to the ear.
This time I do not know if I said it looked like he was asleep, the purchase would be free for the client a million or tarantula up having a shoulder and I could sting and died poisoned. And
bothers me because while I do not speak the stick: serious, formal, to try to put the German side. But when I do talk about is when I caught, I do not hear anything. If you ever wanted to be a spy would have to work quietly to go unnoticed.

What we do not get to watch is the ticket purchase. As much as I take them home to study them in a while, a week turning out throwing.
And I thought that couple of months I would be responsible for such things.


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