What is the humidity kills
Sometimes I think if I get tired of myself. If I speak either alone (at home, when I ride a bike, when I go underground and I forgot the book at home, in the library) that already I can only talk about the weather.
I get up in the morning and look out the window, but that it overlooks a courtyard that covered the sky is so small that, in fact, I used to know what the weather will be.
And I begin to say what a good day, or what bad day, I plan a full day. If I look back at 5 minutes after all the plans may come to nothing.
Time is a typical conversation with a lift. However, I have just used. The few times I have met someone on an elevator and started talking (not by me, and does not blame the language) was not always the time the center of the conversation.
not call it conversation. It was rather a phrase, I took a while to smile, to process the sentence, translate, understand, think clever response, discarded because my German was not so bad and the final answer any nonsense. The adventurers still insisted a contrarrespuesta, I turned to follow the usual procedure and the other is tired and we reached the destination.
But other people do I speak of time. Within
wrong in this country is an issue that gives enough of himself. As
morning can comment that the day is sad and gray, disgusting, too bad time, you'd think we are in summer ... afternoon can make a fresh start: the final day has been arranged, have said on the radio that within 2 days the good weather, it was time this morning and it felt a little embarrassment .. .
next day can be repeated but in reverse, going crazy after so long without sunshine ...
and gives ample room for the body also, "you seem to have caught the sun", "are the UVA rays," "I think I'm cold," he is taking the spring allergies, "is what kills moisture "," I love the smell of wet grass, "" I hate having wet feet. "
What bothers me most in my conversations to one, is this uncertainty in preferences.
in winter because it was so cold as expected and could leave home, no more evenings of cards and films.
In the spring because the heat was not normal, and in April was the thing, better not think about the summer bus full of people sweating.
In summer because we have been without him before and we have been accustomed over, no swimming pool or walk in the park.
If it is cold because it does, if it does because it is not normal, if it does not rain there is drought, when it rains what can be done, the sun because swelter, the clouds because depressed, if the nights are long, how sad, if The sun was just relentlessly can not sleep until noon.
Too much free time to reflect.
What annoys me, no doubt, is that Spain is so happy with their summer.
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