Monday, September 10, 2007

What Is The Width Of The Central Maximum


At this time of year, September, course start and finish new purposes, end of an era, it seems that it's time to take stock. No grace
inertia keeps me driving the ads collectibles, training, diet, etc. I find my own reasons to meet in this state. Maybe that will be a year I started writing.

And this time I am proud to have resisted to the temptation of using topical titles.
Some have fallen in the quest to create chaos to choose them, but at least I have avoided the most obvious.
Now, to show what might have been, or perhaps to take off a coup this tension, it's time to take stock:

- "How I wish you were here." One characteristic of the Scorpions, but renegade Germans sing in English. Widely used.
- "Still Loving You." Also from the Scorpions. Da less than the previous game but holds its own.
- "Ich bin ein Berliner." Kennedy pronounced it an institutional visit. Of the most famous sentences in Germany. Very tempting from the second week living in the city. Simple to translate, but too difficult to explain the grammatical error that makes the Germans look fun.
- "Arm aber sexy." This recall having used it, but not the title. Fairly well defined this city: poor but sexy. A success of the mayor.
- "It's the economy, stupid." The phrase is from Clinton during the election campaign when Bush won. It has nothing to do with the subject, but it is a classic, especially the part of stupid!
- "Mr. Gorbachev, pull that wall." When Reagan's head was still furnished dropped that phrase about the wall. I do not know what to offer change, but it seems too easy to ask for asking.
- "Another brick in the wall." This would have been good and useful. I remember seeing a piece of Pink Floyd concert in the fall of the wall and marked me enough (I was very cute when I saw it).
- "Ick liebe dir." That's what I say when love Berlin. It would be like "I love you", but giving it 2 kicks to the language.
- "Welcome to the Cabaret!". The film of Cabaret will be American, but is based on the true cabaret in Berlin.
- "The wall will remain in place within 50 to 100 years." A prophet that the DDR policy that released the statement about 9 months before the fall. If it was not the climate history would have been left in charge of ridiculous.
- "Veni, vidi, vici." Julius Caesar was unable to occupy all of Germany (and not the whole of Gaul, a small town resisted the invaders). I do not beat their language, I had no opportunity to use the phrase.

There's more, many more. Some topical phrases used them in a moment of weakness, but they visited me many times and managed to dodge.
I'm glad at least what I did get.


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