Bicycles Are for the Summer Mission accomplished
Oh, the bike, what makes me happy and sad.
I get the impression that the bike weighs more lately.
Just thought it would be otherwise, after a few months my body would do this. And it is quite the opposite.
be because of the weather, which so moisture does not fit the oxygen to the lungs, or a slump, or that the brake pads rub since the last time I played anything and yet still can not stop it.
also depends on how you slept, the bike helps me gauge, there are mornings I wake up happy in spite of little sleep (I'm a super macho and I can yet) and start pedaling I find that my body agrees.
That makes a good day. Occasionally I also feel like rain to get to work by subway and read down the road. On the second day underground and the joke gets tired.
More than one person told me once that did not bother him too much pedal in the rain. Moreover, sometimes she actually liked.
Quite, smooth and refreshing rain on a hot summer afternoon when I go home where I expect a bubble bath looking at my super plasma screen is also to appeal to me.
The trouble is that these conditions often are not met. Even the days I'm optimistic and I'd settle for one of them met the minimum requirements.
So, if you already several hours after dark, I have much sleep and the next day I played well early and the meter to my house is measured in thousands, rain makes me so much grace as a zombie movie.
Solution cyclists break records. I've never really measured how long it takes to go from my house to any site (roughly know the times, but I do not calculate what days faster), but surely these days is when I have better rhythm. Meto
plate and small sprocket, and sprinted up the hill above (there will be about five in the city, three of which occupy all the alternatives that I have to get to my house.)
There I am, excited like Indurain, maintaining posture and clenched teeth, hoping to get to bed early. Of course, sometimes
me 'm thinking if it gets wet is slow or the most runs. One is more time in the rain, but the other is wiping out all the drops that are falling. To no longer in doubt, I think the more I work the more I warm and avoid the cold. Hitch, wet clothes outside in the rain and inside the sweat.
I've been very clear, I have no better motivation than the rain and sleep when I'm rested and I enjoy it when it later.
It motivates me, then, to suffer, is when I pull the best of myself. No other explanation.
From time to bike and noticed that the ass I have it harder, especially the corn that I have with this saddle. And I notice especially when I ride in any other bike, all have a more comfortable seat.
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