The serious drug problem
universal is certainly a legend in Spain (and national identities or anything) that the doors of the cabbage gets a man to hand out candy with drugs.
piece of promotional campaign, they giving up that children are engaged and then the charge. At this level only comes Coca-Cola. With my ability
Abstraction I went further and knew that it could distribute candy giving any other sweet, like chocolate, and even trading cards impregnated with drugs, engage you just by touching them. The smugglers are very clever, if children are prevented from candy, change the product to deceive.
Then there's the typical Hollywood movie phrase "will last less than a cake at the school door." Once I had established the connection between candy and drugs, that covered up the cakes. Well-taught children would not eat a cake left out in the door.
Even today, with some of my lost innocence, I can not understand the sentence. A cake to the school gate could be tempered before being eaten. Or that children only come with the vocation of junkies.
Continuing the theme of drugs, the other day, with review of inventory at home (mental review, I am dedicated to open and record my own boxes, I have many), I remembered that I have kit. Do not think anyone will call a cabinet drawer where I have things loose, but all the medicines of the house is there (next to the pitch and I do not remember what else).
not usually be very proactive, but it seemed useful to have the basics of emergency, to find a pharmacy on duty and make myself understood to be below the minimum can be durillo.
The list of ailments for which I am prepared fit on the sidelines of a business card, but it still does not cover my expectations.
And I'm thinking now what to do with the drugs that I have accumulated (put them in front of the school, perhaps).
remember there was a legend that said that mixing aspirin with Coca-Cola had any effect. If it were not bad I'm leaving the Coca-Cola (no beer or beats the price) could try and learn things.
I was considering giving me head against the wall and see if the headache motivates me to take aspirin. Surely if I crack a wall return of rent deposits. Ruled out this option. I have also
another drug to the stomach. I was pessimistic before coming here and provided further abuse to my body. Either that or I have trained bomb-proof. Anyway, could be the opportunity to test the limits of effort and know at what point I need antacids, which I feel bad mixtures according to the hours, etc. If you ever want to do, this is the time.
I do not remember more, I do not think gauze serve to cultivate new vegetables, and with that I have no bike accidents, the package is unopened.
is clear that this country, one of the most important in the chemical and farmacéutico, no habrá alcanzado su nivel de desarrollo gracias a mí consumo.
A veces me pregunto cuál es mi aportación aquí.
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