Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Indian Actress Breasts


In these latitudes, to see the sunrise in summer, is cheaper to extend the dinner to set the alarm.
Is it true that legend of the rooster is the one who wakes the sun at dawn? In Spain I could see logical means, but here the slippage between winter and summer is such that the poor thing has to go crazy.

to get here I thought going out partying with sunglasses were a bunch of geeks, who are believed to go as night goggles. Here
begin to find sense. As soon as one gets lost the last dancing most popular English song in Germany (at the time unknown in Spain, I am still thinking where will the guy who sings with an accent so weird-) the sun is hitting with a vengeance.

This holy city is full of factories.
Factory as a concept of building from the late nineteenth century, nice and all, that one seems to still watching the kids working from sunrise to sunset (in winter yet, but in the summer ... now that's working hours .)
The factory as a site where things are not in fashion here. That is left for cities where there is money, not here are so shallow.
And finally, as are the buildings there is no question of wasting them (efficiency to death). Can be converted into bars, theaters, clubs, cinemas, restaurants, squats ...
squats actually join the rest. Imagine riding business to cover the cost of the house, but I started to list the expenses and hand me a spare.
course, if you drink at these sites and leaves without pay should not be frowned upon, at the end of the house is occupied. Or maybe you have to pay a symbolic thing, or depending on how rich are the waiters ...
On the other hand must always be ready to fight, if any they want to throw them away must fight for what is theirs, their territories or by their ideology, or by the project, o. ..
Sometimes I think it's very hard to be at hand, one has to keep his head in place and straight, because if you do not start to raise some important existential questions. More or less as the capitalist free-market advocate who always try to export, imports need to be regulated before we flood poor countries with their products, that after all they would not have such low labor costs if we do not we taught to exploit children.

The best use I see in these factories is that disco. Virtually
no need to do anything, there are large spaces to put people and noise. Not even necessary investment in decor, in fact the owners wanted to create a post-industrial environment, and when they got there, they found that someone had advance.
What better for that than a power plant? Be able to put self-sufficient even watts of sound.
In light also spends. Apparently not, because everything is so dark, but lights to stop a train. Only used a slightly different way to create strange effects rather than illuminates.

But I think what the power plant could take a step further and reach the nuclear plant.
In the reactor hall can be a lot more people, hence the environment itself would be cool. Energy
would spare, surely start at 6 pm for when people start to get what is at full capacity. Pool
foam party already have. It would have to remove some residues which are then cooled, but can not be that hard.
And what you save on lighting effects, all these residues radiating color. It would open a closet and keep it there all by hand.

Yes, all that exists in the world and in this holy city is the Cathedral, the largest among large. Oh, if we had a bit more lax laws that could be done.

As O'Funkillo sings:

lacquer paint us with our
And that goalkeepers do not see if they are put Gorilón mosque

looking for a fight And I say "what does that have to do?"
If my boots worth 15 talegasos in the English Court

Honestly, I do not know what it is lacquer, therefore, if we do not see anything and a lot is to distinguish between male and female.


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