With this ever going to be more dangerous to live in Japan because fear is latent in those living near the nuclear plant , if it continues like it is more likely that we will have another Chernobyl , but hopefully everything will be resolved and scientists keep calm so that all citizens feel safe and soon recover their belongings. I leave the note and not forget to make your direct downloads and free downloadable games before the weekend so you have to chew.
level of highly radioactive substances increased at sea about ten miles off the coast of the area of \u200b\u200bthe Fukushima nuclear plant (northeastern Japan), uneven after the earthquake and tsunami of March 11, the company said the plant operator , TEPCO.
Samples collected from the seabed 15 km of the plant contain , 400 becquerels of cesium-137 per kilo, according to TEPCO Electric Power (TEPCO).
That figure is 600 times above the maximum level of 2.3 becquerels found so far off the coast of Fukushima.
The samples, taken last Friday, also contain 1,300 billion becquerels of cesium 134 and 190 Bq of iodine 131, adds a company statement.
The level of cesium 137 and 134 was far too low to be measured, a spokesman for TEPCO. The company did not say whether current levels are considered dangerous.
source: jornada.unam.mx
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