Tuesday, May 17, 2011

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How big will celebrate tomorrow's International Day of Museums

tours and art activities, and the presentation of a book on the cultural rights of Mexicans, is what has made the Ministry of Culture of the Federal District to celebrate the International Day tomorrow Museums.

The Night of Museums program, which is held the last Wednesday of each month, has joined in this celebration of the dependence of the capital, so a score of enclosures at the Historical Center will be open from 19:00 to 22:00 hours to be visited by interested parties.

presentation also highlights the latest book by anthropologist Bolfy Cottom, cultural rights within the framework of human rights in Mexico , by Culture Secretary Elena Cepeda de Leon in the Museum Estanquillo the same day 18.

To Cottom, speak of cultural rights in these times may be a case frivolous, when many individuals and communities paths are waging battles to preserve his life.

But in the book can be seen in the defense of cultural rights as an ongoing battle that must be waged against the power, whatever its expression.

As part of the night tours by elements of the first frame of the city, the Historical Archives of the Federal District "Carlos de Siguenza y Gongora, formerly known as the Old Palacio de los Condes de Heras y Soto, will offer a free visit.

In it, the public can discover colonial stories and legends on campus today preserves the documentary memory of Mexico City.

addition, the Museum of Mexico City will open its doors exposures AQ Codex: Abel Quezada, "fourteenth Clauselito Project that runs through the hindsight of Mexican cartoonist and discover his work, and "Boxes" by Jonathan Miralda.

source: jornada.unam.mx


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