Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Gay Tatoo Band Designs

There, I've uploaded the English. Hala! the child is happy at last has succeeded.
In recent days I've noticed that it is a fact, I speak English and the school.
take some time to look forward to the same level of English than German.
And the truth is not going well, because it would kind of German, but from time to time I read something in English, or fell a little film in the original.
So you can not, it was impossible, if one was ahead of the other.
solution arrived alone, without waiting. As usual with these things, things are very easy and one is determined to complicate them. There was no one level up, but down the other.
The truth is that I have not needed a lot of dedication. Thus, eye, I estimate that in less than a year I've uploaded the efforts of the last five years.

never had a high level, if I saw a movie meant a quarter, half and I made up another quarter left in limbo, as something that will never enjoy. But hey, at least I was satisfied with that, sure of myself and knew I could hold a conversation or even work without using my mother tongue.

always had English as a reference to German. He remembered how he had studied the verbs to repeat the method, associated words each language, half of the thoughts that came about a language and had lived with the other ... the thing is always going to tow.

Now I find that if I speak English I have to do it slowly, thinking the words, seeking and giving pushing the German who gets in the middle. Nor
caught me by surprise, it was seen it coming for a while, but had no proof. And above all, before I cheated myself but I have evidence that this is fatal. I do not think
it is the lack of practice (also), but both languages \u200b\u200bare too many coincidences, I come words in a language when I say them in another.
A feeling of powerlessness, better believe I am when the league is reality.

If I were to choose between speaking German or English, I do not know which is worse. For what we have been, one of the few clear things in her life and now, too.
This leads me to not know what to reinforce, whether to a lost, return of the prodigal son, go to the easy, leaving both of them, defend with both hands ...

'd better get with the French, who still defend myself English or German and would like all three languages \u200b\u200bin half a year (which would stay only in conversations with the service sector).

The last one I have said is that I look German. And this time it was red and blond by the sun. Nor was my Berlin accent, if only I had been that. program

Friday, August 24, 2007

High Soft Cervix And Cramps

Health is what matters

Remembers Dr. Sánchez Ocaña and by Dr. Ochoa.
And just have memories of that shot to fame with Penelope Cruz.
mind's ways are inscrutable.

With the theme of health, the Germans are very careful, or not. I have made a mess.
traditional German food is not particularly healthy. It is based on potatoes and pork, always accompanied by sauces, sometimes rotten cabbage.
just know the fish. And it seems to have no curiosity to know its advantages.
precooked In this section I've seen filth rather curious (some with good looks, others less so). And prices rather suspicious.
In general, there is food so cheap in supermarkets makes me think evil. Let there be places where they sell roasted half chicken and half the euro is not the best advertisement for a neighborhood.
The pastry section is quite varied, but always very very sweet. Too cloying, both sugars, cream, jam.
are not sorted with food, like to eat standing or walking, not enjoy, while doing other things. Dinner too early and the rest of the afternoon is spent picking up at bedtime. Most typical
in Berlin are the Sausages with ketchup, plus shank (half lean meat, skin and bone the rest.) And, of course, the kebab, surely in the beginning, it was even good, but as far as I'm still wondering what charge they put meat there.
The fruit is not what grows best here. Everything has to be imported and so it has never had so much tradition. However

are very concerned about eating healthy.
I've never seen so many products Bio (in Spain we call ecological still do not know what definition is corny), anything can be stamped Bio. I understand in the fruit, but a Bio yogurt makes me harder. These products are up in Lidl, never have said here strive for quality. And do not care to be more expensive.
All vegetarians I've met were German or had any relationship with the country. And do not generally moral convictions, but because they think they will thus have a healthier life (debatable point, but the case is striving to be better.)
I have that many houses have several types of flour (in fact, have boats with cereals in order to grind their own flour and make bread and cakes). Known varieties of wheat with less carbohydrate and easier to digest.
consume products very rare in Spain because we sold in health food shops are the best available but do not just believe us: soybeans, millet, barley, rice, tea and 4 classes ...
The Jellies make with less sugar and more juice than in Spain (at least so say in the packages).
Snacks, cold, always filled with lettuce, tomato and cucumber. Then also have cheese or ham, but the vegetables appears to be essential.

The English, who seem to have everything going for us who was determined to say that we are better and behave worse. Mediterranean Diet
, merely a mouthful.
But we persist in taking sauces to disguise the taste of things. If you do not like the food, choose another dish, but do not fill them with ketchup and barbecue sauce.
The industrial bakery thrives. Chocolate chocolate horn has all the earmarks of being radioactive.
fish and fruit we had in life almost as a punishment. There are people who insist that the fish is not easy to eat because it has thorns and the fruit is to peel. The solution for these people is called blender, puree all foods and thus the effort is minimal.
will fish, but a greasy snack on squid do not think it falls within Mediterranean cuisine, for that is very traditional in some bars.

Girls T-shirts in Spain will teach ombliguera waistline. And you do not like that look, that's why they're more cool than anyone and still look more kinkis tracksuit.
And no, if you have genetic fat ass, the rest of the world need not consider yourself a top-model with that in mind, just have to force it a little more. He who does not have a prodigious memory works harder to draw opposition, but does not ask to be respected for being more awkward than others.
In Germany also have weight problems, but take longer concerned about the issue.

And I do not do more than look on the street, trying to compare if there are more fat people in Spain or Germany.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Can You Bust A Chancre

In compliance with current regulations

More than one person has assured me that in every German there is a potential spy.
This could be true at the time of the Stasi. And the people who were stuck there, even outside collaborator, was too much to have disappeared.
That would also explain why not take the blinds and curtains: If you want to see is that you have something to hide.
And it helps me understand that no one will worry about how others, with socks and sandals, naked in the park, combine colors without (And for me to realize is that things are very bad). Actually if you look, but have developed the ability to save the environment without being noticed. That

serves espionage work when they want to point someone to do wrong.
And the Germans are very strict when it comes to following the rules. Especially when it comes to that meeting the other.
a guy can go bike riding at night, without lights, with the mp3 in their ears, talking on the phone and holding a beer in his free hand. Also, instead of going for the bike path is on the sidewalk, which tend to have fewer potholes.
If you go down the sidewalk in the opposite direction and will de hacértelo notar.
En realidad tu delito es justo lo único que él hace bien, pero eso es lo de menos, estás infringiendo la ley.
Hay que entenderlo, ese tío ha tenido, por un momento, que pararse a pensar si podía seguir por su camino sin chocarse contigo o debía dejar de pedalear para evitar el choque, calcular la distancia, la velocidad, el insulto...
En el fondo me da lo mismo, entre su velocidad y la mía, que vamos en dirección contraria, habrá una velocidad relativa de 40km/hora, intuyo que me reprocha que vaya en dirección contraria, pero no entiendo nada.
En lo que me entero de que está hablando y trato de escuchar ya estamos demasiado lejos.
Si avisara en distance to be insulting ... but in these conditions, I have nothing else to do than watch those people.
Although in reality often do know what will happen, just do not feel like answering them.

Another day I saw one looking out the balcony cried some tourists who had set up children in a courtyard swings, in the heart full of tourists.
Man, if that gentleman would walk already retired, want to ride that afternoon on the swings and is occupied by foreign children, it is normal that bothers you.
there are many more examples, such as complaining about the holidays at home, although the noise does not reach them.

There are times when I love not understand

Friday, August 17, 2007

Laboratory 5: Cell Respiration Answers

Life backwards

Being a few days holiday in Spain I've realized that life is like a reversible jacket.

Like being in Germany things seem strange, a German in Spain will feel a little weird sometimes.

For once I have disguised German and tried to guess his thoughts when surrounded by English in Spain (Balearic and Canary Islands this rule.)

People do not stop eating. In general breakfast is not much (normal, if they sleep with a full stomach still have reservations), but about 11 are going to the bar to eat.
Café con leche and tortilla. The I swear, I've seen. Not that I'm shocked by mixing sweet with salty, but this seems to me obscene.
course in the same bar where they eat it with pork legs hanging. Vale which are cured and that the ham is typical, but that stands up to the hoof, that if the pigs were painted nail polish would be there yet.
In those same bars, the real, you can throw things on the ground: the shells, napkins, cigarette butt ... I wonder if, as open in the morning, and spread a little of that to give it its charm. It's not as disgusting as it might seem, from time to time are non-sweeping flood. About

of the 2 people eat, not even come in to assess how late I think.

And at 7 pm and are back swallowing. And there really is a non stop until evening.
not know if it's a snack, tapas, tapas, snacks, dinner, early dinner or just greed. The fact is that between one thing and another until 11 at night you can see people eating terrace.

Another thing I do not understand how to endure the heat.
Of course it depends on the area. Although generally hot summer everywhere in the center and south is unbearable. Reach
40 degrees and people do not get scared. Do not leave home, go to malls with air conditioning, whatever, but is that you can not walk on the street!
What night? Unbearable, which is 6 am, more than 8 hours the sun was still hot. Even the locals, I thought that would be used to it by what to wear from children living it, pass it fatal.
Sure, people do not sleep well at night and then it seems that everyone is sick in the head. Now begin to explain many things.

I could go on and on and on, until we know where they are rarer, whether there or here (this looks like Sesame Street and I do not know what is here and what is there.)