Monday, July 30, 2007
Dirtiest Indian Actress
Sometimes I like to have a place to write things that I can not say.
The trouble is that there are things I would not have to write.
To compensate for some things, though I am not able or write.
This holy city is now more sad.
's fault this time do not have the permamente tag, nor cold, nor the Germans, or food, or language.
4 million Germans have not noticed, but it has been the joy of the city.
On the other hand, 7 million Catalans do not realize what they have fallen from heaven.
try to attack with their own weapons and the way to the solution, the only thing that occurred to me, is to make an announcement. I have to consider whether they are more successful in print ads, internet, posters on the lampposts, the only thing clear is that here you can find anything through an ad.
The examples are many: roommate, substitute to resell the room during the vacation month (or 17 days, you do not need or collect clothing); car companion on a journey of 2 hours, someone cut the penis and eat it, after cooking, before killing the owner (and this is a real news a few years ago); buyer for a collection of books which lacks half of the leaves ... whatever.
I am preparing a list of requirements. I anticipate that I will that make Dr. Frankenstein and take pieces of many people, because they find anyone to meet even half: Smile
almost permamente. Risa
easy even with bad jokes. Capacity
up in the middle of the meal to gesture, jump, jump, scream or do whatever it takes as long to tell a story and make it clear. Plans
nonstop ideas to stop a train travel, restaurants, places to visit, parks, museums, workshops, evening ... then meet a third of all of them. Initiative such as laziness. Indecision
continuous. Capable of going from one decision to the contrary in seconds, and at the same speed change again, or find a new option with which to doubt.
Spree without stopping, until the time it takes. And 24 hours after recovery.
love / hate for the language. And support me when I complain about it. And that I contradict my self-esteem when he says that I can never speak.
the end will finish replacing all that for a bit of melancholy.
Thursday, July 19, 2007
What Does Chapped Lips Look Like On A Dog
begin to suspect that historians tell us things as they please. Not that the Inquisition was dedicated to burning witches to maintain the rule of fear and have people at their mercy. Those people liked to barbecue and share with the people. Another thing is that in those days was the only food available of the nobles and the final throw of what was at hand, sinners, that of those the world is full.
there any point in my life where I thought the man knew how to make fire by instinct.
Man as male, not human. If a woman can start and maintain a fire will be because you have seen any practical sense.
Over time I have discovered that more than a virtue is a pyromaniac trend that is hiding and comes to light when a BBQ.
I like how it is assembled in Germany.
I do not know whether the importance they give or just the opposite. The mixture of contradiction, surely.
On one side barbecue could become a point of obsession. They are not used to days to invite to dinner in the field, as they see a ray of sunshine, throw it.
are placed in parks, on the banks of the river in the backyard, on the terrace / balcony of the house ... certain that one has set up barbecue in a pot next to the park.
other hand, do not give so much hype and Spain, we can throw us a week of planning. Rather, speaking of planning, the trick is to improvise at the last minute. The myth of German
planner falls under its own weight in this topic.
No one can predict if tomorrow will be good days and if it is sunny today, pulling carpe-diem, goes to the supermarket to buy food and drink and mess. In less than an hour of suggestion can become reality.
And do not even need big infrastructure: they have the basic things needed and it goes perfect. Flame or dishes that could be used to collect a steel cast iron or cutlery, glasses, chairs, tables, refrigerator, ice, paella ... nothing. Just
barbecue, tweezers (this goes for taste, a couple to handle coal and another for food or mix one thing with another) and a blanket to sit. This way of simplifying
all makes me wonder if it's in his genes. Or they are taught from an early age in school.
You may need to be considered German.
may require access to citizenship. This would explain that the Turks tried to compensate for their lack of integration and language problems by fire (if something's are very friendly and the other very well, the average ends up being something neutral).
And all this without addressing men barbecue.
are some men who are often the center (tourist area) and have a gas canister backpack behind and in front of the grill where the grilled sausages (the catalog of products is just there.)
The image is that of the cigarrilleras club hostess of the films of the 50 but the brute. They charge
however, certain that some have the smallest kitchen what are these in tow.
And if the summer is hard to heat in winter have to endure rain and cold standing there. And some graciosillo that seems fun to take a photo with the poor exploited (alas, I still can not get away this shame from the top).
When leaving, leave the bottle lying is not filth, it's solidarity with those who work to collect them. Between 8 and 25 cents depending on the type of bottle.
For them it is far more pleasant to look out the bins of the seasons, which is where I usually see, some with flashlight to inspect it.
What we fail now is the time to start. If dark at 10 and started at 9, with lighting that is just raw meat or burnt. It's exciting like Russian roulette.
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Dune Buggy Primary Games
Supermarkets lose me, drive me crazy.
In the literal sense, I mean you can not live without them, but to what looks like a maze.
I do not know if I'm shorter than the average customer, but every time I go I leave without buying half the things planned.
I'm sure it's a conspiracy, every other day change things around so there is no way of knowing.
On the other hand, can I ask for the moon and can not find things just because are.
Of the four that I have close to home, only one meets the minimum standards of order. The most expensive and where ever there are people at the door with a bottle. I will be a preppy. Topic
apart are the conversations with the cashiers. Three trips
needed to learn that some places had me wondering if client card. Two more trips to be aware that even asking for an order of a euro. Later
to understand when I offered hearts (another program of points that give hearts to paste in a pamphlet.)
The supermarket cashier my trust is not silent. Actually I have no idea what it says, but it should be something like "here apples are, what healthy apples, "" good time for asparagus, yes sir "," are € 28.70. Okay, give me 30, I return 1.30, here and here are the 30 penny back the euro. You pass a good evening, or what remains of it. "
suspect that one day could spend 10 minutes calling me names and I smile.
That man and I have to know, even light, and know that no longer will listen. But of course, there are ladies who laugh and thank the man speaks louder, but to me that you enjoy the rest of his usual audience.
Or the option of the pocket the other day, I gave a single sentence did not understand and asked to repeat, but he refused.
I have my own repertoire of phrases supermarket, rather than understanding what they tell me I look through the list of possible the most similar to the ear.
This time I do not know if I said it looked like he was asleep, the purchase would be free for the client a million or tarantula up having a shoulder and I could sting and died poisoned. And
bothers me because while I do not speak the stick: serious, formal, to try to put the German side. But when I do talk about is when I caught, I do not hear anything. If you ever wanted to be a spy would have to work quietly to go unnoticed.
What we do not get to watch is the ticket purchase. As much as I take them home to study them in a while, a week turning out throwing.
And I thought that couple of months I would be responsible for such things.
Thursday, July 5, 2007
How To Get Rid Of A Stiff Neck
Sometimes I think if I get tired of myself. If I speak either alone (at home, when I ride a bike, when I go underground and I forgot the book at home, in the library) that already I can only talk about the weather.
I get up in the morning and look out the window, but that it overlooks a courtyard that covered the sky is so small that, in fact, I used to know what the weather will be.
And I begin to say what a good day, or what bad day, I plan a full day. If I look back at 5 minutes after all the plans may come to nothing.
Time is a typical conversation with a lift. However, I have just used. The few times I have met someone on an elevator and started talking (not by me, and does not blame the language) was not always the time the center of the conversation.
not call it conversation. It was rather a phrase, I took a while to smile, to process the sentence, translate, understand, think clever response, discarded because my German was not so bad and the final answer any nonsense. The adventurers still insisted a contrarrespuesta, I turned to follow the usual procedure and the other is tired and we reached the destination.
But other people do I speak of time. Within
wrong in this country is an issue that gives enough of himself. As
morning can comment that the day is sad and gray, disgusting, too bad time, you'd think we are in summer ... afternoon can make a fresh start: the final day has been arranged, have said on the radio that within 2 days the good weather, it was time this morning and it felt a little embarrassment .. .
next day can be repeated but in reverse, going crazy after so long without sunshine ...
and gives ample room for the body also, "you seem to have caught the sun", "are the UVA rays," "I think I'm cold," he is taking the spring allergies, "is what kills moisture "," I love the smell of wet grass, "" I hate having wet feet. "
What bothers me most in my conversations to one, is this uncertainty in preferences.
in winter because it was so cold as expected and could leave home, no more evenings of cards and films.
In the spring because the heat was not normal, and in April was the thing, better not think about the summer bus full of people sweating.
In summer because we have been without him before and we have been accustomed over, no swimming pool or walk in the park.
If it is cold because it does, if it does because it is not normal, if it does not rain there is drought, when it rains what can be done, the sun because swelter, the clouds because depressed, if the nights are long, how sad, if The sun was just relentlessly can not sleep until noon.
Too much free time to reflect.
What annoys me, no doubt, is that Spain is so happy with their summer.