Today I'm going to echo the following news: "Only 21% of SMEs have a plan data protection " , report in the online newspaper " 5 Days " in which noted that only 21% of English SMEs have a plan for the protection of data, so almost 80% of English SMEs complying fully the precepts contained in the existing regulations to protect personal data even though over 70% of the companies English recognized the importance of having a corporate strategy for the protection of data. In addition "5 Days" also states that 13.7% of them know the rules while 26% think that is not affected by data protection legislation. All this data comes from a study by ISMS Forum Spain , non-profit association whose main objective is to promote information security.
The article cited by contrast with the fact that every increasing use of electronic media for all types of activities such as the relationship with the public administration, banking transactions, the buying, selling and especially the use of social networks both in a personal way as trade or business. Despite all this, companies are not aware of the importance to be given to information, not only because there are rules stating this, but because the information is in many cases the main asset and mainstay of the company both for its smooth operation and to generate profits.
Therefore, in my opinion if such a company backs up its information systems but stored in the same place where the server is located or most of their information and that room does not have basic security measures (fireproof room with access control, ventilation, etc.) will have little use those copies in case of disaster or of a major incident in our information systems. It seems that this so silly, is one of the most typical violations of safety information that I usually see in the audits performed.
In conclusion, it is not only to respect the law so we are not fined, it preserve the information because it is our main active with our customers and their privacy.
For more info about data protection and the gathering:
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