Today I want to echo a report in the Daily News Navarre :
Kutz commissioning the work to a public company
Health to audit the security of medical records to comply with data protection law
agency protection data required to make the review before April 1, 2011
As always be seen as far as safety comes in the audit will take place until April 2011 . From my point of view should address the issue taking into account the different risks of leakage and / or loss of data, should also take into account the personal awareness of health centers in terms of privacy and the use of the information relates . Whether this use on paper, in telematic support, or treatment and use of information system Osasunbidea. Also, in my opinion, I understand that should strengthen more security measures and start giving greater compliance including all the measures contained in the Law 15/1999 Protection of Personal Data (Data Protection Act) of 13 December, as well as those that Real Decree 1720/2007 of 21 December (RDLOPD) establishes and develops. Also, we must also take into account those that Law 11/2007 on Electronic Access of Citizens to Public Services (LAECSP) and Royal Decree 3 / 2010 of January 8, which regulates the National Security Scheme the field of eGovernment states. For the latter, in theory have a period of implementation of those Security measures less than a month and expires in early January 2011.
Do you give time to comply with what Royal Decree 3 / 2010 sets? Or just be dedicated to meet the deadline for compliance with data protection rules they themselves set (April 2011) with the end of the audit recently commissioned a public entity.
allowed bets ... :)