Monday, August 16, 2010

Pokemon Friendship Bracelet Pattern

A new draft law is in creation, will be to strengthen the transparency of the English government, including among them not only the State, the Regional and Local, but also all those agencies to develop public activities such as professional , communities of services and / or universities.

This law seeks to strengthen the right of citizens to know the information public, thus trying to avoid and to establish greater control for the government to prevent corruption of public office personalities in various public entities. The deadlines for responding to requests from citizens are in principle than thirty days, although in some cases be extended to another thirty days, and in principle in cases where not treated or unjustifiably denied access to information part of the Public Administration for, you can then go through the administrative to demand access to information, however, to avoid the delays and costs the same, it may appeal to the English Agency for Data Protection, the which will be renamed English Agency for Data Protection and Access to Information. "

All this of course, unleashed a number of issues, such as: Will the other Data Protection Agency such as Madrid, the Basque or Catalan, competence in this area? Is it affected the rules on data protection for this new standard? What is certain is that this is a bill in general and in my opinion, will be part of the citizens a good agreement given the large cases of corruption that have plagued many public authorities in this country.

In two months, and after seeking the arguments of the parties, the director of the agency currently Artemi Rallo, professor of constitutional law, render a decision. The government wanted good measure, and in this requirement does not apply positive silence, but the negative. Moreover, their rulings only affect Administration central, not the regional or local.

The latter, under an amendment to Law Local Government, citizens must submit their request "copies and certifications arrangements of local government and its history "and allow them to consult their files and records.

administrations are not limited to answering information requests, but must anticipate dissemination. "The public authorities provide the information disclosure of which is of great importance in guaranteeing the transparency of its activity," says the text. And in the Internet age will "preferably by electronic means."

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