I decided to make this post because the truth is that I was surprised to read in the "New York Times" in its technology section, the following news:
"Facebook Privacy Glitch Brings New Worries " On Wednesday, users discovered a glitch That Gave Them access to supposedly private information in the accounts of Their Facebook friends, like chat conversations ... Not Long Before, Facebook Changes That Had Introduced Forced Essentially users to choose entre about making information available to Their Interests Anyone or Removing it Altogether ... Although Facebook Quickly Moved to close the security hole on Wednesday, the Heightened Breach Among many users a feeling That It Was Becoming hard to trust the service to Protect Their personal information.
.. I recommend reading the whole article because I found very interesting and maybe then we realize the real risks of Facebook, the whole story You can consult the www.nytimes.com
Coincidences of life, two weeks ago I also gave low in Facebook, as well as Jeffrey P. Ament (contractor for the U.S. government, quoted in the article NYT) I do not trust the security policy data takes place Facebook, I, who among other things dedicated to the protection data, was tired of watching constantly violates the privacy rights of individuals and Facebook for this violation to me is clear. If we read and study its privacy policy, we know roughly what to expect but if this privacy policy changes every few minutes, and there can be at least in my case, any confidence in this network. So I called attention to this news, because amongst other things, as could access information from our contacts chat certainly something that most users are unaware of or ignored, for these kinds of questions I decided I did not want join Facebook.
Update / note of interest 1:
http://profesores.ie.edu/enrique_dans/download/facebookprivacy-cincodias.pdf .
Update / interesting note 2:
http://www.blogoff.es/2009/10/28/10-situaciones-que- want-keep-on-facebook-and-how-to / (in Castilian) / http://laptoplogic.com/resources/10-things-not-to-do-on-facebook (in English).
Update / interesting note 3:
http://www.enriquedans.com/2010/05/ talking-on-facebook-and-privacy-in-five-dias.html
Update / interesting note 4 : http://www.nytimes.com/2010/05/13/technology/personaltech/13basics.html?ref=technology
Update / interesting note 5 : http://www.genbeta.com/redes-sociales/myspace- improve-your-setup-of-privacy
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