Monday, May 17, 2010

Parts For Aromatherapy Diffuser

May 17, the day of Internet


Internet and what is it? Strictly according Wikipedia , decentralized Internet is a collection of interconnected communication networks that use the protocol family TCP / IP, ensuring that heterogeneous physical networks that make up work as a single logical network, global . Since today is the day the Internet, the day's main objective is to disseminate and promote the use of the Internet on society, it does not hurt to ask What is Internet? What is your goal or purpose? In my opinion, Internet or network serves and must serve more and more, to bring culture including as many people as possible, to communicate, to search for content and self-reported in a more free and objective, ultimately to relate, educate, educate and express ourselves freely. Therefore, we must celebrate the day the Internet. Because we are celebrating that the Internet is free information flows and content to today do not control nor metered large telecommunications companies and that this is still not forget such basic principles of network neutrality, by the network or Internet, should continue free of restrictions on the modes of communication allowed, or for content and communication is not unreasonably degraded by other communication and intermediaries. In short, the network continues to be a framework within which people can express themselves and interact in different ways and free without the pressure and restrictions that some lobbies as the major telecommunications companies want to do.

Happy Internet Day to all of you

Friday, May 14, 2010

Dickies Warehouse Singapore

"The Data Protection Act and the rights and obligations of workers'

I want to emphasize one of the most controversial and contentious issues that I usually find when I perform audits on the protection of personal data. Of today is not one that referred to the rights of employees or workers and the right of companies to control the proper use and optimization of its technological resources such as Management Systems Information corporations, such as corporate email, computer equipment and software company, access and proper use of Internet and so on. So I recommend reading the following detailed guide for some time published the AEPD (English Agency for Data Protection) on its website . Protection data labor relations, is a comprehensive and enlightening guide on what can and can not do a company when it comes to monitoring the correct and efficient management of information systems such as controls, biometric fingerprint, video surveillance controls on the computer, revisions and / or remote monitoring or analysis, indexing of web browsing, review and monitoring of email and / or the use of computers, controls on the worker's physical location by geolocation etc. with all these inspections, the chances of impact on workers' rights are multiplying.

On pages 27 and 28 of that guide, it states that development of entrepreneurship and in particular, when deciding to adopt a measure of control that involves a personal data must applied principle of proportionality. It must also comply with the duty of informing employees, this duty is particularly relevant in the case of controls on Internet use and / or email. In this case it is recommended that information workers is clear in relation to company policy regarding use of email and the Internet, describing in detail the extent to which workers can use the communication systems the company private or personal purposes. Eg It may be perfectly reasonable to provide a geolocation device tasks such as transporting goods for which it is relevant to know where is the vehicle and when you can perform a particular delivery. This can not be assumed that provision of a device of this nature to all employees of the company when its kind of provision makes it unnecessary, so there must be a purpose in this case, there can be other than that fixed by ET Art 20.3 "to verify compliance by the employee of their obligations and work duties."

must remember what was said about the existence of a widespread social habit of tolerance for certain personal uses moderate computer resources and communication provided by the company to employees. This tolerance also creates an expectation of confidentiality in those applications; expectation that can not be ignored, but not become a permanent impairment of corporate control, because even if the worker is entitled to respect for her privacy, can not impose this respect when using a means provided by the company against the instructions issued by it for use and without the checks provided for such use and to ensure continuity of service. Therefore, you need to do business in accordance with the requirements of good faith is to establish in advance the rules of use the media-with application of absolute or partial, and inform workers that will be control and the means to be applied in order to verify the correctness of the applications, as well as the measures to be taken in case to ensure the effective use of the work environment when necessary, without prejudice to the possible application of other preventive measures such as exclusion of certain connections. Thus, if the medium is used for private use against these prohibitions and knowledge of controls and measures may not be understood that, when monitoring has been violated "a reasonable expectation of privacy" in the terms establishing the European Court of Human Rights June 25, 1997 (case Halford) and April 3, 2007 (case Copland) to assess the existence of an injury to Article 8 of European Convention for the protection of human rights . (Judgement of the Board Social of the Supreme Court of 26 September 2007).

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

39 Weeks Pregnant Sharp Pains

New Masters in social networks at the University of Deusto (Bilbao)

yesterday by one of the groups I belong to Linkedin, I learned that the University of Deusto, has developed a specialized master's degree in Social Networks, the master has several areas, which are discussed many issues such as security, legal, commercial and advertising field, reputation, the various tools available on social networking, social network consulting and many more issues to see the full schedule, http : / / .

The master costs about 12,500 € and has a total of 60 credits, so I could know in principle, will be held in Bilbao, so face, but I do not know if there will also be done via on-line .

Ultimately, Masters is a very interesting, but will have to see if you have good reception at this time of crisis.

Updated: Yes, there is no training mode or on-line classroom, as is explained in .

Friday, May 7, 2010

Side Effects Of Stopping Yaz

"I'm not on Facebook" social networks "

I decided to make this post because the truth is that I was surprised to read in the "New York Times" in its technology section, the following news:

"Facebook Privacy Glitch Brings New Worries " On Wednesday, users discovered a glitch That Gave Them access to supposedly private information in the accounts of Their Facebook friends, like chat conversations ... Not Long Before, Facebook Changes That Had Introduced Forced Essentially users to choose entre about making information available to Their Interests Anyone or Removing it Altogether ... Although Facebook Quickly Moved to close the security hole on Wednesday, the Heightened Breach Among many users a feeling That It Was Becoming hard to trust the service to Protect Their personal information.

.. I recommend reading the whole article because I found very interesting and maybe then we realize the real risks of Facebook, the whole story You can consult the

Coincidences of life, two weeks ago I also gave low in Facebook, as well as Jeffrey P. Ament (contractor for the U.S. government, quoted in the article NYT) I do not trust the security policy data takes place Facebook, I, who among other things dedicated to the protection data, was tired of watching constantly violates the privacy rights of individuals and Facebook for this violation to me is clear. If we read and study its privacy policy, we know roughly what to expect but if this privacy policy changes every few minutes, and there can be at least in my case, any confidence in this network. So I called attention to this news, because amongst other things, as could access information from our contacts chat certainly something that most users are unaware of or ignored, for these kinds of questions I decided I did not want join Facebook.

However, I must say that to enhance business and improve sales, such as when launching a product or service to market I think is a very useful tool, more so when combined properly with other tools like youtube, twitter or other social networks, and that could generate added value to our company as well as giving greater visibility in the market for media advertising campaign, which surely would result in increased sales and therefore income of the company. But if we use Facebook as a social network in the strict sense, ie to relate to these old friends and are friends or acquaintances who do not see much time or close friends, I think in this case is a tool when less dangerous, as no consider Facebook as a secure channel for that type of relationship, so among other things, I have chosen not to be in facebook .

Update / note of interest 1: .

Update / interesting note 2: want-keep-on-facebook-and-how-to / (in Castilian) / (in English).

Update / interesting note 3: talking-on-facebook-and-privacy-in-five-dias.html

Update / interesting note 4 :

Update / interesting note 5 : improve-your-setup-of-privacy