This network is geared primarily to people under 25 years and enjoys a great popularity and success in the past times, since it differs from other social networks in which users are those that allow access for new users by invitation. This system enhances the term social network of contacts, because in this way ensures that the network somehow keep contacts and users' real relationships without reaching other networks massively the number of contacts. Another feature
of Tuenti is that a national network currently has more users statewide foreign and other social networks Facebook , although they should improve some aspects such as uploading of images, as not as fast or dynamic as other social networks.
Another light in the way of social networks, is the fact that increasingly the subject of desire for business, and who happen to be a showcase very juicy and attractive for the advertising, which also Tuenti has taken advantage of, which for 2009 will impact on a substantial increase compared to the more than 700,000 € billed over 2008.
However, all is not gold that glitters, and like other social networks do not escape the possibility of becoming a victim of misuse by some users. An example of misuse is the case of two schools of La Rioja, which has emerged since the controversy about alleged under center manipulated photographs have been published and libel dsobre some teachers of those schools. Therefore now the teachers' union (ANPE) has denounced the violation of privacy and the right to honor to the Ombudsman, to conduct the search for the perpetrators of these wrongs and invasion of privacy suffered by teachers. Not currently know how to end this matter or whether there will be more conflicts like this but what is clear is that we have social networks for some time, both for good and for bad.
UPDATE: A light to add to social networks, today I read a story linked to social networks and the truth is that it also can be a useful social tool to move a lot of people for a cause, "Tuenti brings together 470,000 people to find a missing girl "was picked up by the news El Pais Digital.

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