Friday, May 1, 2009

How To Stitch Anarkali Churidar


Today I will relate two very important issues to consider on the Internet. On the one hand, the Internet security and on the other hand the issue of privacy policies of some Companies like Facebook macro .

movidito have been the last two weeks to Facebook by management have been conducted regarding its privacy policy. It started when Facebook established a change in its privacy policy regarding the use of data provided by its users, in which users provide their personal data would be forever available to the company, which generated an avalanche of criticism from users, and that privacy is often questioned but the reality is that there must be a control on it and should not be allowed unfair as those implemented Facebook on 4 February. While it is true that has served to demonstrate that Internet users are still those who rule and that if they unite against this type of unilateral and disproportionate actions can change things, as can be seen in the announcement through Blog the founder and leader, Mark Zuckerberg , which decided to return to the conditions and terms of use of the site prior to changes on 4 February. Facebook has definitely taken the right path and has decided to ignore their users that the end of the day is your most valuable asset, so from viálogosTIC praise his decision and even more so when the notice is your founder himself, because as they say rectify is wise.

If one side are companies on the other are the users and / or people think it is important for people to raise awareness about the responsible use of their personal data, social networks, such as subscriptions to online services . It is not always considering the likelihood of theft, fraud, or big brothers, but to act with common sense, that is, whether on the street will not disclose your personal data to a stranger on the network should not be different. The AEPD not long ago published a guide that warns about the risks of social networks ( AEPD and INTECO ) in the suggested improvements in protection systems.

other hand, last week took place on secure Internet, something considered important but not very useful, since they hold a day is not much, if it is true that at least contributes to the awareness of a more prudent tools and services we find online. The Safer Internet Day is an event that takes place every year in February, involving 55 countries on 5 continents in 2008. It is organized by INSAFE European Network for a Secure Internet and in Spain by the Association as Protégeles English node of INSAFE . In 2009, the central issue being addressed is the prevention of cyber-bullying or online bullying. PROTEGELES main goal is getting an Internet safer for children as well as to promote optimal use and safer technologies including information and communication technologies (ICTs). It performs the activity of promotion and awareness of safe Internet use by children, through awareness campaigns targeting children, educators and parents as well as communication and information campaigns that reach the media and the public general.

Microsoft and the European Commission Protégeles join and the English Association of Pediatrics to celebrate Safer Internet Day. Among the planned activities is the training by 60 volunteers from Microsoft for more than 300 parents, about 3,000 children and 15,000 young Scouts in Spain. The launch of the site, in addition to promoting use of child protection software, provides tips for parents and children / adolescents.

The AEPD (English Agency for Data Protection) published for some time a guide for the use of Internet by children Travel Guide which is also geared to parents of minors as many times parents do not know what risks and benefits are offered or have Internet, it is therefore very important to also teach parents about the use of Internet and networking tools such as social, forums, chats, etc.

However, not everything the Internet offers is bad for children, much less, as commented in the post "Social networks, children and old wives tales" Professor of Instituto de Empresa (IE ) and known blogger Enrique Dans. In highlighting the benefits of such tools for children to maintain a connection when and in tune with your friends and thereby strengthen their social relationships.

Therefore we must ensure that the Internet is a more secure and useful for all, starting to be more diligent in the use of our personal data, as well as our children face, the study of the network because if a father or mother knows nothing about the Internet (hazards, precautions and safety measures) will hardly be able to guide and help your child about what should and should not do on the Internet.

Safer Internet Day, Safer Internet , , , INTECO , , Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg , Enrique Dans

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This network is geared primarily to people under 25 years and enjoys a great popularity and success in the past times, since it differs from other social networks in which users are those that allow access for new users by invitation. This system enhances the term social network of contacts, because in this way ensures that the network somehow keep contacts and users' real relationships without reaching other networks massively the number of contacts. Another feature

of Tuenti is that a national network currently has more users statewide foreign and other social networks Facebook , although they should improve some aspects such as uploading of images, as not as fast or dynamic as other social networks.

Another light in the way of social networks, is the fact that increasingly the subject of desire for business, and who happen to be a showcase very juicy and attractive for the advertising, which also Tuenti has taken advantage of, which for 2009 will impact on a substantial increase compared to the more than 700,000 € billed over 2008.

However, all is not gold that glitters, and like other social networks do not escape the possibility of becoming a victim of misuse by some users. An example of misuse is the case of two schools of La Rioja, which has emerged since the controversy about alleged under center manipulated photographs have been published and libel dsobre some teachers of those schools. Therefore now the teachers' union (ANPE) has denounced the violation of privacy and the right to honor to the Ombudsman, to conduct the search for the perpetrators of these wrongs and invasion of privacy suffered by teachers. Not currently know how to end this matter or whether there will be more conflicts like this but what is clear is that we have social networks for some time, both for good and for bad.

UPDATE: A light to add to social networks, today I read a story linked to social networks and the truth is that it also can be a useful social tool to move a lot of people for a cause, "Tuenti brings together 470,000 people to find a missing girl "was picked up by the news El Pais Digital.

Social Networks, , ANPE

Aimee Sweet Jacks Playground

Today I began to reflect on the types of companies that exist in relation to the raid and position on the Internet. Penetrate the network of networks is an economical alternative and very interesting, too, are businesses using the Internet as an approach to promote your business the fastest growing and best performing today.

In particular we can establish a division of three types of companies about their foray into Internet:

1 .- 100% Business e-commerce or virtual (only exist on the network).

2 .- Starting Business on the Internet but also exist in the real world.

3 .- Companies that exist in the real world and begin to use the Internet to improve sales or obtaining a service differentiator.)

The first of three, has the advantage of not requiring too many resources or personnel which makes it easy to launch and maximize profits, can use useful tools such as free email addresses for communications such as Hotmail, Gmail, Yahoo etc. as well as other tools to facilitate their progress.

The second is that companies that have more resources available early Physical sales offices so they can combine the two worlds the real and the virtual as you wish. Such companies can be avoided through intermediaries using the Internet making it easier to expand.

The third is the traditional companies, which physically exists first and decides to use and get into Internet as a differentiator over the competition, this type of raid does not require a big investment and facilitating their expansion in sales and improved its reputation and increasing popularity not only through the sale of their services via the Web but also through the use of enterprise-class Web pages Blogs and Corporate or through online advertising campaigns through business and adsense adwords Google of .

In short, the network is a very extensive and interesting for different types of business and media and types of enterprise in this environment are also becoming more varied.

Internet, electronic commerce , e-commerce, corporate Blog , , LIMSI , payment gateways