Thursday, February 5, 2009

Bounty Commercial Lisa Loeb


According to data collected in the study The Information Society in Spain 2008, by the Fundación Telefónica, has 250,000 mobile TV users.
Paí The news reflects the following: " in Spain, are on the rise of IPTV systems (Internet), which had over 636,000 subscribers by the end of 2007 and the TV device mobile in the first quarter of 2008 had counted 250,000 users ". This means that the trend is that mobile TV is an option that has a future, but in reality the important thing here is that the future of Internet TV passes either in support or non-portable. However one of the current problems is still the subject of battery life during the time of issuance, and the same mobile TV offers endless possibilities for advertising, such as traditional television advertisements and banners and other advertising systems available network, so it is possible that mobile TV can be free.
In conclusion, mobile TV has a great future at the expense of satellite TV or also known as digital.


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