Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Grow Back Hair Anorexia

Doctor, it hurts here

Can you be a hypochondriac to have the symptoms of hypochondria?
Every time I read the requirements to be a good hypochondriac I identify with everyone. But I passed the same with any other disease, so I'm a little busy.
The problem is that being a hypochondriac is complicated: you have to study a disease, the symptoms begin to associate with themselves (this is the easiest, because it allows a certain freedom: if a deadly disease is detected by a sharp pain in the mouth the stomach and is somewhat diverted el tobillo se puede considerar una rara mutación de esa enfermedad) y, finalmente, ir al médico. Lo último es lo que más pereza me da.

Tampoco estoy acostumbrado a sentirme físicamente mal (aparte de tener siempre sueño), así que de momento me reservo lo de ser hipocondríaco para el futuro.
Está bonito eso de no ponerse malo, aunque tiene sus pegas. Cuando me pasa algo estoy desorientado, no sé si el dolor que siento es normal, más o menos de lo normal. Y no me atrevo a quejarme, porque no tengo para comparar. Y me asusto, porque quizá debería quejarme y lo estoy dejando pasar.
También tiene ventajas. A la mínima que me siento mal, la sensación es desagradable (For all the world, but when you get used to leave it running) and try to fix it. The instructions give me the required standard to the letter, until I felt renewed (and a little better, tip) and then now I can return to care less as usual.

In this blessed city also has to be sick. A force. If only for statistical and the number of artists who are (at least mentally ill.)
In Spain, any self respecting city has a character who is collecting cartons, junk and trash in general to resell. Legend has it that a person with a lot of money, sometimes family, sometimes based cattle collect things. I imagine that somewhere
If it's true, what is clear is that this character does not distinguish historical facts or laws or anything.
do not know if this be so, those involved to collect bottles can not be rich, there is over-supply of skilled labor for such tasks.
Aside from that group, in this holy city there are many people who, at first glance, is fatal.
Like all depends on the side from which you look, the situation seems even pretty: Here you can live with the head on another planet. Can live, no one bothers them, they are not locked up in mental institutions to avoid the embarrassment of the family ... I wonder if there will be more crazy in Spain, but have them all hidden.

irrefutable proof, really, how's the standard here is that fans who have to practice what they call "Despelote at every opportunity," or in a more literal translation "Free Body Culture," which comes to the same but much more apparent.
It is not normal environment, which they see the sun and lie down in the parks and take off their clothes. As these people are very ready, also have things to show the world when it's cold.
As prepared as you are, when suddenly finds himself with the practitioners of this pseudo-religion, at least that happens is to remain traumatized for the rest of the day.

I understand why Don Quixote is English, this would have gone unnoticed.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Laboratory 5: Cellular Respiration Answers

Mirror, mirror magic

trauma were all my childhood. At home there was a metal cabinet with mirror above the sink. I did not reach the mirror and I had to look in the drawers of metal, more or less made me an idea of \u200b\u200bthe image, but not the best.
When I grew up and came over my parents decided to buy a mirror four times larger. Not that I mind, because now I know I could fatten up to take three times now and I would watch over, but the detail may have had some years earlier.

now in my house there are no mirrors. I mean the whole body. I have the bath
me to comb my hair and dark circles. Just because I look at the language.
remember a time when I became obsessed with the theory that when you get sick in the stomach is dirty language.
He kept pulling off the tongue in the mirror to see who was always wrong. It is normal, considering that I never knew what color has a clean tongue.
So, the day I felt bad, checking that the language was dirty. Other days I felt fine until I had checked the dirty language.
It is also true that, yes, the days he was very white of truth was worse.

When I first came home I noticed the detail of the mirror. There is a fairly big, but start at the height of the sternum, so the utility is the same as that which is in the bathroom. Tilting and viewing perspective can still serve for another part of my body.
addition, this mirror has a pair of slits through it. I'm used to people I remember my bad luck. I guess that applies for breaking it, not that it has, for now I'm relaxed.
I will not deny, I am too lazy to buy a mirror, loading it with him and hung on the wall.
The solution I've found I feel good, I look in the mirrors of the store when I buy clothes. Simply
to retain the image in memory for how I have left. Removing space to hold other things but not bad. There are parts of my body, with or without a mirror, do not get to see.
is the other option, look in the windows when I walk down the street. I do not usually do much, but I have seen it. The idea is that you turn your head as if looking at the inside, but everyone realizes the reality.
seems a little narcissistic, but not why. Just one left home long ago and has not picked up a hand mirror. Become
photos to look good is risky. Poses and thinking I would end up making model.

the same lines of not paying attention to my body is not having scale. But it is also true that sometimes I find any that I can use (for example, the tape of the airport where they weigh the bags, I always wanted to go climb a bit, did to them what it will cost me?).
the end of the day, my clothes still remains as always, I'm certainly not undergoing significant change.